Hinduism Hinduism is a religion that began in India. The religion dates back to 1500 B.C., making it the worlds oldest religion. There are 1 billion Hindus in the world today. Most Hindus still live in India.
Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has: -No single founder No single scripture No commonly agreed upon set of teachings
Hindu Beliefs Hindus believe in a single Divinity or supreme God that is present in everything called Brahman. Hindus also believe in other gods who are aspects of that supreme God such as Brahma (the creator), Shiva (the destroyer), Vishnu (the preserver).
Karma and Reincarnation Reincarnation is the belief that the soul repeatedly goes through a cycle of being born into a body, dying, and being reborn again in a new body. Karma, a force that determines the quality of each life, depending on how well one behaved in a past life. Hinduism says we create karma by our actions on earth. If you live a good life, you create good karma. If you live a bad life, you create bad karma.
Moksha Each time a Hindu soul is born into a better life, it has the opportunity to improve itself further, and get closer to ultimate liberation. This liberation is called Moksha. One attains Moksha when one has "overcome ignorance", and no longer desires anything at all. The ones who reach this state no longer struggle with the cycle of life and death. The way to get to Moksha is to not create any karma.
Hindu Life Goals Hinduism is about the sort of life one should lead in order to be born into a better life next time and ultimately achieve liberation. There are 4 legitimate goals in life: dharma (appropriate living) artha (the pursuit of material gain by lawful means) kama (delight of the senses) moksha (release from rebirth).
Hindu Duties Each Hindu has 4 daily duties: Revere the deities Respect ancestors Respect all beings Honor all humankind