Millennium Goals: Universal Education in Southeast Asia Maggie Miles, Olivia Vargo, Aidan Crenshaw, Sophia Harrison
What Is It? Why is it Important? the idea that education can be offered across the planet to everyone It has rippling effects upon many other goals including infant mortality rate and maternal health care Strides: Education has been pushed higher in importance in Southeast asia in the recent decades
Southeast Asia 97% of the region’s youth is enrolled in school 48% of Asia’s total school-aged population 27% of the world’s 2.2 million children not enrolled in school of any sort in the region
challenges? southeast asia’s progress has been hindered by: High poverty rates clarity of goals teacher effectiveness/adaptability funding gender equality
progression of goal over 120 communities in southeast asia now have compulsory public education due to: Public Pressure on governments Global Campaign for Education Fast Track Initiative Unicef Peace Corps
Malaysia: new education policy - teach in english Singapore: ICT Master Plan in Education Philippines: ICT Plan for Education Thailand: Education Reform policy Cambodia: New Constitution
1.5 Billion $ 2,311,107 students atleast 15% provided by the Asian Development Bank 2,311,107 students are now in primary school in Cambodia atleast 15% of all government budgets are now spent on education
thanks! Any questions?
Works Cited Chet, Chealy. "CAMBODIA." Higher Education in South-East Asia. UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, 2006. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. United Nations. "Regional Backgrounder Eastern Asia, South-Eastern Asia and Southern Asia." The Millennium Development Goals Report. UN Department of Public Information, 2015. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. "Going Global 2015: Internationalisation of HE a Key Driver in Southeast Asia - University World News." RSS. 15 Jan. 2015. Web. 6 Oct. 2015. Unesco Office Bangkok And Regional Bureau For Education In Asia And The Pacific; Unicef. East Asia And The Pacific Regional Office (Thailand); Unicef. Regional Office For South Asia (Nepal). "Asia-Pacific: End of Decade Notes on Education For All." EFA Goal 2: Universal Primary Education; Asia-Pacific End of Decade Notes on Education for All; 2013 (n.d.): n. pag. UNICEF, 2013. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. Education in Cambodia; NGO Education Partnership. Sangkat Toul Tumpong II, Khan Camkamon Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. NEP Cambodia, 2015. Web 4 Oct. 2015. Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education. Global Campaign for Education. Head Office (South Africa). Global Campaign for Education, 2015. Web 5 Oct. 2015. UNESCO. Education: Education Post-2015. France. UNESCO, 2015. Web 5 Oct. 2015.