Managing Performance Under WIOA August 13, 2018 Presenters: Steven Wilson & Star Dickey
Agenda Reportable Individuals vs Participants Program Exit Performance Measures Performance Management Tools
What is a Reportable Individual ? An individual who has taken action that demonstrates an intent to use program services and who meets specific reporting criteria of the program including: Only uses self service Receives information only services Provides identifying information A student with a disability receiving only pre-employment transition services (VR-only) *Reportable individuals are reported, but do not count toward performance outcome measures. In VOS, these individuals generally do not have a WIOA Participation but have registered in VOS and may or may not have additional self-service or information only services in the Activity History/Service Plan under the Activities tab. However, if a participant’s only services are 101-Orientation, 103-Info on Training Providers, 107- Provision of LMI or 120-Use of Resource Room, the individual is still only a reportable individual even if they have a full application and participation record.
What is a Participant? A participant is a reportable individual who has received services other than self-service and information only services, after satisfying all applicable programmatic requirements such as eligibility determination. Meets the definition of a reportable individual Has received one of the allowable services Receives information only services Has satisfied all applicable programmatic requirements for the provision of services. *Participants are reported and counted in performance.
When will a reportable individual become a participant ? Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker: Receives any training, individualized career service, or a basic career service that is not self-service or information only. In VOS, these participants will have a WIOA Participation with at least one of the 36 services displayed on the participation (IsFirst) activity enrollment in the “Select Activity Code” pop-up window other than 101, 103, 107 and 120.
When will a reportable individual become a participant ? Title I Youth: Is determined eligible, receives an objective assessment, develops an individual service strategy, and receives one of the 14 WIOA Youth program elements. In VOS, these participants with have a WIOA participation with at least one of the 34 services associated with the 14 Youth Program elements.
Definition of an Exit: The last date of service from all programs and there are no future services scheduled. Currently in VOS, only the WIOA Title I services that are not voided, are not excluded and have an Actual Begin Date are used to determine the Exit Date. In VOS, the Activity Enrollment Cleanup/Soft Exit program runs Mon-Fri at 6:30 P.M. The first part of the program System-closes activity enrollments with Actual Begin Dates that have Projected End Dates more than 21 days in the past. Next, the Soft Exit process runs which looks only at non-voided/non- excluded activity enrollments with Actual End Dates and will exit a participant if the latest Actual End Date is at least 91 days in the past.
Definition of an Exit: Global exclusions: Institutionalized Health/Medical Deceased Reservist called to Active Duty In Foster Care and moved from area by foster care system (on the Exit Screen) Relocated to a Mandated Program – Youth Only (Status at Follow-up on the Follow-up screen)
WIOA Performance Indicators: Employment 2nd Quarter- (Adult, DW) Employment 4th Quarter- (Adult, DW) Placement in Education, Training or Employment 2nd Quarter (Youth) Placement in Education, Training or Employment 4th Quarter (Youth) Median Earnings- (Adult, DW) Credential Attainment Measurable Skills Gains Employer Effectiveness
Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit (Adult/DW) Definition: Percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program. What is unsubsidized employment? Is work with earnings provided by an employer who does not receive a subsidy for the creation and maintenance of the employment position. Who will count as a positive in the Numerator? Participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the 2nd quarter after exit. In VOS, either GA or WRIS wages are matched to the quarter, or there is employment entered on the 2nd QTR Follow-up. Only employments with an Hourly Wage and Start and End Dates that indicate the employment was active during the Quarter will be used. Also, “Worked in Quarter” must be Yes on the 2nd QTR Follow-up record.
Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit (Adult/DW) Who is included in this measure in the Denominator? Participants who exited during the reporting period who are not identified as a Performance Exclusion.
Employment 4th Quarter after Exit (Adult/DW) Definition: Percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program Who will count as a positive in the Numerator? Participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the 4th quarter after exit. In VOS, either GA or WRIS wages are matched to the quarter, or there is employment entered on the 4th QTR Follow-up. Only employments with an Hourly Wage and Start and End Dates that indicate the employment was active during the Quarter will be used. Also, “Worked in Quarter” must be Yes on the 4th QTR Follow-up record.
Employment 4th Quarter after Exit (Adult/DW) Who is included in this measure in the Denominator? Participants who exited during the reporting period who are not identified as a Performance Exclusion. *Remember, this is NOT a retention measure. Employment can be with the same employer from 2nd Quarter after exit or a different employer. The participant can be employed or unemployed at participation.
Placement in Education, Training or Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit (Youth) Definition: “percentage of program participants who are in education or training, or in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program” Who will count as a positive in the Numerator? Youth participants who are in education, occupational skills training, or in unsubsidized employment during 2nd quarter after exit from the program. In VOS, either GA or WRIS wages are matched to the quarter, or on the 2nd QTR Follow-up, there is employment entered or “Current Placement (WIOA)” is “Entered Post-Secondary Education”, “Entered Advanced Training”, “Entered Military Service” or “Entered a qualified Apprenticeship” and “Date of WIOA Placement” is entered, or “Placement in Quarter” is “Unsubsidized Employment”, “Registered Apprenticeship”, “Military”, “Occupation Skills Training (including advanced training)”, “Post-secondary Education”, or “Secondary Education” and “Date of Placement” is entered.
Placement in Education, Training or Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit (Youth) Who is included in this measure in the Denominator? Participants who exited during the reporting period who are not identified as a Performance Exclusion.
Placement in Education, Training or Employment 4th Quarter after Exit (Youth) Definition: “percentage of program participants who are in education or training, or in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program” Who will count as a positive in the Numerator? Youth participants who are in education, occupational skills training, or in unsubsidized employment during 4th quarter after exit from the program. In VOS, either GA or WRIS wages are matched to the quarter, or on the 4th QTR Follow-up, there is employment entered or “Current Placement (WIOA)” is “Entered Post-Secondary Education”, “Entered Advanced Training”, “Entered Military Service” or “Entered a qualified Apprenticeship” and “Date of WIOA Placement” is entered, or “Placement in Quarter” is “Unsubsidized Employment”, “Registered Apprenticeship”, “Military”, “Occupation Skills Training (including advanced training)”, “Post-secondary Education”, or “Secondary Education” and “Date of Placement” is entered.
Placement in Education, Training or Employment 4th Quarter after Exit (Youth) Who is included in this measure in the Denominator? Participants who exited during the reporting period who are not identified as a Performance Exclusion.
Median Earnings Definition: Program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit of the program. Middle two people Midpoint Median Earnings = $6,000 $6,000 + $9,000 2 = Median Earnings $7,500 Quarterly Earnings come from either GA or WRIS wages or are calculated from supplemental Follow-up employment: hourly wage X hours worked per week X 13 (number of weeks in a quarter).
Credential Attainment (Adult/DW/Youth) Definition: Percentage of program participants who obtain a recognized postsecondary credential, or a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during participation in or within 1 year after exit from the program. Who will count as a positive in the Numerator? (Credential will count only if the Credential Date is after the PIRL Participation date). Participants enrolled in an education or training program (excluding those in an OJT or Customized Training) who obtained a recognized post secondary credential or a secondary school diploma (or its recognized equivalent) during program participation or within 1 year after exit from the program. Participants who obtained a secondary education diploma or its equivalent during program participation or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit.
Credential Attainment (Adult/DW/Youth) Who is included in this measure in the Denominator? Participants who exited and were in a postsecondary education or training program (excluding OJT or Customized Training) during program participation; plus the participants who exited and were in a secondary education program (at or above the 9th grade level) without a secondary diploma or equivalent.
Credential Attainment (Adult/DW/Youth) Examples of Recognized Post-Secondary Credentials: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Graduate or Post-Graduate Degree Occupational Certificates (Awarded by either educational institution or independent education or training provider upon successful completion of a course of study & exam). Occupational Licensure Occupational Certification Examples of common Certifications that do not meet the credential definition: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Work/Career Readiness Certification Completion of Orientation and Mobility Training *See TEGL 10-16 Section D for credential definition
Where should you record a Credential Attainment in GWROPP? Steps to complete the credential attainment record: Select the credential achieved by the individual. If, “Other Recognized Diploma, Degree or Certificate” is selected, you must enter the type of Credential in the “Other Credential” field. Click Verify to select a desired verification document. Enter the date the individual received the credential. Click Save. Select “Create Credential ”
Where should you record a Credential Attainment in GWROPP
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Definition: Percentage of participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skills gains toward such a credential or employment. Adults & Dislocated Workers Only individuals in training count in this measure and can include OJT and Customized Training. Youth In-school Youth are included in this measure and certain Out-Of-School Youth that are in Occupational Skills Training, Secondary or Postsecondary while in the program are in this measure. Note: This a real time measure.
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Who is included in this measure in the Denominator? * The Denominator is the same for all 5 MSG Types. Participant’s School Status at Program Entry or at Case Closure is “In-School, Secondary School,” “In-School, Alternative School,” or “In-School, Post- Secondary School” OR Participant is co-enrolled in Job Corps, Adult Education, Vocational Education, or Youth Build indicated in the Education Partner Services section on the WIOA Application or on one of the activity enrollments OR
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Participant is enrolled in an Education/Training program any time during participation . These 22 activity codes are : 300 Occupational Skills Training - Approved Provider List (ITA) 301 On-The-Job Training 302 Entrepreneurial Training 303 Distance Learning 304 Customized Training 309 Locally Funded Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) 314 Enrolled In Apprenticeship Training 324 Adult Educ w/ Occ. Skills Training -Approved Provider List (ITA) 325 Employed Worker Skills Upgrading/Retraining 328 Occupational Skills Training - Non Approv Provider (No ITA) 330 Registered Apprenticeship-Classroom Training 340 Registered Apprenticeship-OJT 406 Tutoring, study skills training & instruction 414 Basic Skills Training 415 Enrolled in Alternative Secondary Education 416 Occupational Skills Training - Approved Provider List 418 Adult Education (GED) 420 Registered Apprenticeship-Classroom Training 421 Registered Apprenticeship-OJT 424 Entrepreneurial Skills Training 430 Youth Occupational Skills Training - Non-Approved Providers 432 Enrolled in Apprenticeship Training
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Five (5) types of Measurable Skills Gains: 1. Post- Secondary Transcript/Report Card - A transcript or a report card demonstrating the following based upon enrollment status: Full Time Student- completion of a minimum of 12 hours for one semester Part Time Student- completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours over the course of 2 consecutive semesters during a program year Acceptable documentation: Transcript/report card showing the credit levels were achieved and the consumer was in good academic standing for each semester. The report card must not indicate the participant dropped out of school, was removed from the institution, or any other conditions that indicate removal on academic/conduct grounds. Numerator: “Post-Secondary Transcript/Report Card” Skill Type from Measurable Skills Gain screen.
Click on “Create Measurable Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Where is this captured in GWROPP? Click on “Create Measurable Skills Gain.”
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Secondary Transcript/Report Card - A transcript or report card of a customer in HS, HSED, or a GED program for each semester that they achieve a D- or above for all classes taken and are in good academic standing. The report card must not indicate the participant dropped out of school, was removed from the institution, or any other conditions that indicate removal on academic or conduct grounds. Acceptable documentation: Copy of an official or unofficial semester transcript or report card showing passing grades of D- or above in all classes and are in good academic standing. * If a student has a grade that is lower than a D- this is not considered a Measurable Skills Gain because it does not meet the standard.
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Numerator: “Secondary Transcript/Report Card” Skill Type from Measurable Skills Gain screen OR Numerator: Attainment of secondary school diploma or equivalent based on credential values High School Diploma or Secondary/High School Equivalency.
Click on “Create Measurable Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Where is this captured in GWROPP? Click on “Create Measurable Skills Gain.”
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Training Milestone - Satisfactory or better progress towards skill advancement while participating in an OJT, Registered Apprenticeship program or Business Enterprise program. Acceptable documentation: Employer provides documentation of successful completion of an OJT or one year documentation of an apprenticeship program. Numerator: “Training Milestone” Skill Type from Measurable Skills Gain Screen. OR Successful completion of OJT or Registered Apprenticeship (Activity codes: 301, 314, 330, 340, 420, 421, 432).
Click on “Create Measurable Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Where is this captured in GWROPP? Click on “Create Measurable Skills Gain.”
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) 4. Skills Progression- Successful passage of an exam required for a particular occupation of progress in attaining trade- related benchmarks Acceptable documentation: Copy of exam results indicating a passing score or trade related exam results indication passing score. Numerator: “Skills Progression” Skill Type from Measurable Skills Gain screen.
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Where is this captured in GWROPP?
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) 5. Educational Functioning Level A EFL gain is the advancement of educational level by making measurable improvement in educational attainment as measured by a pre and post- test. An example would be moving from a 9th grade reading level to a 10th grade reading level. The test typically used for this could include the TABE. Acceptable documentation: Results from a pre and post-test showing skills gains or academic improvement or enrollment in remedial training and then acceptance into post-secondary educational training program.
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Who is included? Denominator: participants who received instruction below the postsecondary level. These are participants with School Status = “In-School, Secondary School or less” or “In-School, Alternative School” or who were in activity codes 324 or 415 or 418 or who were identified as receiving services from Job Corps, Adult Education or Youth Build in the Education Partner Services section on their WIOA Application or on one of their activity enrollments. Numerator: L/N EFL gain. OR Denominator: participants who exit the program and enroll in post-secondary education or training. These are exiters who were In-School (HS or Alternative) or Dropouts at Participation. Numerator: have placement values on their Case Closure or Follow-ups of “Entered Post-Secondary” or “Entered Advanced Training”.
Measurable Skills Gain (Adult/DW/Youth) Where is this captured in GWROPP? Educational Functioning Level:
Effectiveness in Serving Employers 1. Retention with the same employer- the percentages of participants who exit and are employed with the same employer in the second and fourth quarters after exit. This approach is useful in determining whether the core programs are serving employers effectively by improving the skills of their workforce and decreasing employee turnover. Repeat Business Customers- the percentage of employers who receive services that use core program services more than once. This approach is useful in determining whether employers who receive services from the core programs are satisfied with those services and become repeat customers. This approach also assesses the workforce system’s ability to develop and maintain strong relationships with employers over extended periods of time.
Performance Management Tools
WIOA Additional Reporting Information The USDOL published documents with report periods can be found on the DOL ETA WIOA website at: Important Training Employment Guidance Letters (TEGL) : TEGL 3-15- Providing services under Adult and Dislocated Worker programs TEGL 10-16- Performance Accountability Guidance for WIOA TEGL 13-15- State Wage Cap date for OJT TEGL 15-10- Credential, Degree and Certificate Attainment TEGL 26-15- Negotiating Performance Goals for WIOA TEGL 26-16 – Supplemental Wage Information Helpful Website:
Contact Us Steven Wilson Star Dickey Nicole McQueen Jason Mann Norris Smith