0.0 Problem solving in IT (COMP1001) Rocky K. C. Chang September 3, 2018
The teaching team Lecturer: Dr. Rocky K. C. Chang (PQ829, csrchang@comp.polyu.edu.hk) Office hour: By appointment TAs: WU Hanqing and YANG Yan ni Classes: Group 2: Mondays 16:30 - 18:20 (N102) and Wednesdays 08:30 - 10:20 (N103) Group 1: Tuesdays 16:30-18:20 (N103) and Fridays 09:30-11:20 (N103) Couse website: www.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~comp1001 and Blackboard Slides Assignments Latest timetable Solutions …
Pre-requisite and teaching approach Assumed no computing background Teaching approach: practice, practice, and practice Understand the problem. Design computer solutions. Implement the solutions as computer programs. Make sure they are correct and efficient. Teaching approach: lecture-lab integration
No textbook required John Zelle. 2010. Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science 2nd Edition. Franklin, Beedle & Associates Inc., Wilsonville, OR, USA. Allen B. Downey. 2014. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. Green Tea Press. Charles Dierbach. 2013. Introduction to Computer Science Using Python. Wiley.
What after COMP1001? COMP1011: Programming fundamentals (C programming) COMP2011: Data structures (and algorithms) COMP2021: Object-oriented programming COMP2421: Computer organization COMP2423: Operating Systems COMP2322: Computer Networking COMP3438: System Programming COMP4433: Embedded System
How will you be assessed? Assignments: 15% Two/three tests and quizzes: 20% Project: 20% Exam: 45%
Question 1 Which of the following is NOT the name of a programming language? B Prolog XLS Modula-3 Smalltalk
Question 2 Google has two datacenters in Asia. Where are they? Shanghai Hong Kong Changhua County, Taiwan Singapore Seoul, Korea Tokyo, Japan Guam
Question 3 Out of the ten richest men in the world, according to the recent Forbes’ report, how many of them work in the IT and software field? 1 or 2 3 or 4 More than 4 but less than 9 9 or 10
Question 4 Who owns Whatsapp? IBM HP Microsoft Amazon Facebook
Question 5 Who owns Instagram? IBM HP Microsoft Amazon Facebook
Question 6 According to the most recent survey, what is the average salary for a graduate to be an application developer in the US? US$35,000 per year US$45,000 per year US$55,000 per year US$65,000 per year US$75,000 per year US$85,000 per year
Question 7 Which country has the fastest supercomputer as of today? China USA Japan France UK
Question 8 Given What will be printed out for the program fragment below?
Question 9 What will be printed out for the program fragment below?
Question 10 Given What will be printed after executing the code below?
Question 11 What will be printed after executing the code below?
Question 12 What will be printed after executing the code below?
Question 13 What will be printed after executing the code below?
Question 14 Given What will be printed after executing the code below?
Question 15 What will be printed after executing the code below?
Question 16 What will be printed after executing the code below?
My expectations and policies Attend all lectures on time. Read the covered materials on your own. Complete your assignments and project yourself and on time. Policy regarding late submission of works 10% off for every hour late Policy regarding plagiarism You will betray your own integrity, whether it will be found out or not! Both giver and receiver subject to the same penalty below All the students involved not only will receive 0 marks for this assessment, they will also lose additional, same number of marks from their total assessment marks. Moreover, we may report the serious cases to the Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee for further disciplinary actions.
That’s about it for the introduction.
What you need to do this week is Bring your notebook to the class in the third week.
End "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." (Proverbs 14:23) “一切勞苦都有益處,嘴上空談引致貧窮。” (箴言 14:23)