Updates on activities with seniors: College/Career preparation meetings – handouts for seniors Senior Contracts Senior Activities Sheets Transcript Request Form
Community Colleges/ Technical Schools College Transfer/Associate Degree/Certificate/Diploma Placement Testing (2.6 GPA and qualifying math doesn’t have to test) Career and College Promise Programs Competitive vs. open enrollment programs
Post-Graduation Education Options: Four-year Colleges/Universities SAT Reasoning Test/SAT Subject Test/ACT AP Exams Minimum Admissions Requirements Recommendations and Essays Procedures and Deadlines Scholarship Applications
Keys to Successful Results: Get Organized! Have a plan AND a back-up plan when applying to colleges Create a file folder for each college of interest and include in it: Application requirements (SATs, recommendations, application fees, etc. Deadline for completed application/deadline for receipt of SAT score reports Names of contact people and dates of contact Copies of anything you send out & dates sent, including completed application done online Maintain a Student/Family Calendar of important dates (SATs, application deadlines, other senior events)
NCAA registration for athletic eligibility/www.eligibilitycenter.org Other Options: Military Work Other Items: NCAA registration for athletic eligibility/www.eligibilitycenter.org College visits Financial Aid Awareness
Websites, Phone Numbers, and Special Events School Website: www.west.stokes.k12.nc.us – click on “Guidance” for scholarship listing, testing info, etc. --watch the “Daily Announcements” for important deadlines --click on “Class of 2018” for important senior info College Foundation Hotline and Website: 1-866-866-2362 and www.cfnc.org Online Financial Aid application: www.fafsa.ed.gov (register for FSA ID now; Fill out FAFSA starting Oct. 1) The student will need a FSA ID and the parent will need a separate FSA ID. College Board: www.sat.org (for SAT info, PROFILE registration, CollegeMatchMaker) ACT: www.act.org (for ACT registration, practice test, college search, etc) Counselor’s email addresses: sandra.bowen@stokes.k12.nc.us kathryn.hough@stokes.k12.nc.us michelle.ring@stokes.k12.nc.us Important Dates: October 15-19 College Application Week November Financial Aid Workshop – West Stokes October 27 FAFSA Day (Call 866-866-CFNC or go to www.cfnc.org to register)