Louth PPN’s County Plenary Meeting Speaker: Danielle Monahan Implementation Lead Drogheda/South Monaghan
mPower Project- 3 Year EU Funded until Dec 2021 7 Deployment Sites: Across border counties in Republic and Northern Ireland and Scotland Aim: Support people 65 years+ with 1 or more Long Term Conditions to better self-manage their condition. How will we do this? Social Prescribing eHealthTechnology
Chronic Illness Challenges 49% of Irish people over 50 have one chronic disease and 18% have more than one 1 in every 10 people over 50 years of age has diabetes The major chronic diseases; diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory disease will increase by 20% -30% in the next 5 years 1 in 5 of all of us will experience mental health problems in our lifetime 36,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year A project supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
What is Social Prescribing ? Aims to connect people to others and reduce the isolation that can manifest in loneliness which exacerbates LTC management Linking the person into social community based activities e.g., exercise, art, gardening, befriending, social clubs. Ensuring awareness of entitlements Identify gaps in community services and try to address them; e.g., transport, meals on wheels.
What does Social Prescribing look like? Group learning; Walking groups; Games / Sports Music, Dance & Arts activities Befriending Social Groups: Knit and Natter; Book clubs; Cookery Volunteering; Time banking 'Men's Sheds' A ‘Community Navigator’ will be embedded in Primary Care teams to and work with beneficiaries to help them develop their own Health & Wellbeing plan and further provide: Advice relating to lifestyle changes, such as smoking-cessation services Information about local health and wellbeing clinics, education events, self-management courses, support groups etc. Information or links to an appropriate physical activity programmes, diet and nutrition etc. Information about, and assistance with, technology to support the health and Wellbeing Plan, for example; text reminders, video enabled follow up or digital applications. Step up referrals to GPs, Clinicians and Health and Social Care providers for HMHM or VEC services. Step off to another agency or to self manage care. What are the benefits of Social Prescribing? Social prescribing is designed to support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs Schemes are often focused on improving mental health and physical well-being Beneficiaries include people with long-term conditions, low-level mental health problems, vulnerable groups, people who are socially isolated, and those who frequently attend primary care but could self-manage Supports individuals to take greater control of their own health; people feel supported and empowered to make a difference to their own lives Social isolation and dependency is reduced Potential for reduction in un-necessary primary care attendance A project supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
What is eHealth (Digital Health)? For mPower eHealth (often now called Digital Health) can be broken down into three areas of focus: Home & Mobile Health Monitoring (HMHM) Monitoring devices (remote and self managed) Text updates, support & encouragement e.g. Florence Video Enabled Care (VEC) Health professional direct to patient’s home, one-to-one Specialist to patient in remote practice with additional health professional support in room Digital Health Applications (Apps) Health professional recommended apps Self selected apps supporting self-management A project supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
Role of Implementation Lead Engage with local stakeholders –GPs, Primary Care Teams, Hospitals (Acute/step-down), Community & Voluntary Organizations. Connect these services to new technology that support health and wellbeing
Role of Community Navigator: Working 1:1 with the older person to develop Health & Well Being Plan. A Health & Well Being Plan is a social personal plan that looks at all areas of a person’s life (physical, emotional, social). It outlines goals that are reviewed with the person at regular intervals. Signposting people to services in their locality. Identifying use of technology to support self-management of their condition.
How will this work? Referral Phone call to arrange a meeting Develop a Health & Wellbeing Plan Select from options Set Goals Support in achieving goals Follow-up A project supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
Case Example: Scotland Mary is 70 years old with a history of depression. She cared for her husband Jim for the past 3 years and he passed away a few months ago. Her adult children all live abroad. She had become increasingly isolated as a carer and had no social outlets. Mary went to see her GP due her low mood and loneliness. GP referred back to Mental Health Team and sent a referral to mPower. The Community Navigator, Lorna, linked in with the Mental Health nurse and social worker and carried out a joint visit. Lorna developed a Health & Well Being Plan with Mary which identified ways to address her social isolation.
ACTION PLAN: Social Prescribing ACTION PLAN: eHealth Intervention Identified Mary’s interests prior to her husbands illness. Two local social clubs that organized regular trips to dance halls Arrange an introductory visit to both clubs Mid point review: Mary said that she preferred the woman’s only social club Transport arranged through voluntary rural transport scheme ACTION PLAN: eHealth Intervention Mary had an iPAD that her grand children gave her for Christmas last year but she was unable to use it. Lorna arranged for a voluntary organization to set up weekly visits from a befriender who showed Mary how to use the iPAD and to use Skype so she could communicate with her family abroad. At the end, Lorna contacted the mental health team and updated them on Mary’s progress. At the final evaluation (6 Months), Mary said that she felt much better in herself and motivated to leave the house and meet new people and had lots of energy from the dancing!! She may even go to New Zealand to visit her grand kids!
Want further information ? Website: mpowerhealth.eu Twitter: @mpower_health Danielle Monahan – Implementation Lead Email: daniellen.monahan@hse.ie Phone: 087.3441830 Clodagh Clerkin-Community Navigator Email: clodagh.clerkin@hse.ie Phone: 087.3981200