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Founded in 1998 as a search engine, this company's name is now a verb.
Pez dispensers played an important role in the creation of this site.
This major ecommerce site was originally known as Cadabra.com.
The name of this site is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle"
This site was one of the first to sell music over the Internet.
Web pages are stored on these.
Documents are transferred to Web computers via this protocol.
FTP or File Transfer Protocol
You'll need this type of connection to take full advantage of Web content.
High-speed or broadband
Firefox falls into this software category.
Web browsers
Linux, Windows and Macintosh are all types of these.
Operating systems
This formatting language provides the structure for most Web pages.
A "p" tag designates this.
A paragraph break.
A "stylesheet" uses this formatting technique.
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets
Many Web sites adhere to standards administered by this body.
W3C or The World Wide Web Consortium
WYSIWYG is short for this
What You See is What You Get
This man is known as the "father of the Internet."
Tim Berners-Lee
This former financial analyst founded Amazon.com.
Jeff Bezos
The Mozilla Web browser was developed by this man.
Marc Andreessen
In 1999, this politician took credit for "creating the Internet."
Al Gore
These Standford students founded Yahoo in 1994.
Jerry Yang and David Filo
If you're under 30, you probably have a profile on this site.
College students congregate on this social networking site.
Google bought this video site in 2006 for $1.6 billion.
This technology allows anyone to publish on the Web.
Blogs or Blogging
A "folksonomy" relies on this organization technique.
Tags or Tagging