Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Language Arts Second Grade Week of: 1/21-1/25 Objectives: Students will begin writing narrative stories focusing on beginning, middle and end. TEKS:ELA 2.23Biii long vowels, 2.2Biv silent e, 2.17B drafts, 2.21B verb agreement, 2.21Ai verbs, 2.5A suffixes, 2.24A list of topics, 2.19A interest writing ELPS: c5B use vocabulary, c5F grade appropriate sentences Essential Question(s):How can planning your writing make the actual writing process easier? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan P:Lesson 66 e G:Irregular Verb practice. W: Mentor #3 Notice Sentence Corrections. Writing Workshop P:Lesson 67 y W: Mentor #3 Categorize P:Lesson 68 y-i W: Mentor #3 Revise P:Lesson 69 y, ful W: Mentor #3 Imitate P:Assessment Assessment Vocabulary Happy, baby, very, funny, only, words, under, always, soon, anything Phoneme Digraph Diphthong Main idea Topic Higher order questions What kind of pattern do you notice about irregular verbs? Why should we use what we learned in Reading about sequencing to write our rough drafts? Explain how and when to change the y to i. Describe how our mentor sentences have been preparing us for making corrections to our own writing. Why should you prove what you know? Assessment Strategy Identify irregular verbs in sentences. Begin a rough draft narrative story. Continue narrative story. Make corrections. Phonics review Homework page in class. Narrative Final copy to turn in. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.