Costs Per Inpatient Condition Accelerating Discovery, Innovation and Collaboration Costs Per Inpatient Condition Jennifer Swanson Sr. Market Analyst Elizabeth Urbanczyk Library Intern 4/23/2014
Top 20 Most Expensive Conditions, 2011 . Condition & Rating by Total Cost Annual Cost ($Billions) Number of Patients in Study (Thousands) Cost Per Patient ($Thousands) 10. Adult respiratory failure $ 8.75 404 $ 21.66 5. Heart attack $ 11.50 612 $ 18.80 1. Septicemia (except in labor) $ 20.30 1,094 $ 18.55 3. Complication of device, implant or graft $ 12.88 699 $ 18.43 9. Coronary atherosclerosis $ 10.40 605 $ 17.19 6. Spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorders, other back problems $ 11.18 667 $ 16.76 18. Hip fractures $ 4.87 316 $ 15.40 2. Osteoarthritis $ 14.81 964 $ 15.36 11. Acute cerebrovascular disease $ 8.36 597 $ 14.01 15. Rehab care, fitting of prostheses and adjustment of devices $ 5.49 420 $ 13.06 Note: The figures represent the hospital's cost to produce the services — not the amount paid for services by payers — and they do not include the physician fees associated with the hospitalization
Top 20 Most Expensive Conditions, 2011 Condition & Rating by Total Cost Annual Cost ($B) Number of Patients in Study (Thousands) Cost Per Patient ($M) 13. Complications of surgical procedures or medical care $ 6.85 529 $ 12.95 17. Biliary tract disease $ 5.14 469 $ 10.95 8. Congestive heart failure $ 10.54 970 $ 10.86 16. Diabetes mellitus with complications $ 5.38 561 $ 9.59 12. Cardiac dysrhythmias $ 7.62 795 7. Pneumonia (except caused by tuberculosis and STDs) $ 10.67 1,114 $ 9.58 20. Acute and unspecified renal failure $ 4.67 498 $ 9.37 14. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis $ 5.70 729 $ 7.82 19. Mood disorders $ 4.84 896 $ 5.40 4. Liveborn (general childbirth) $ 12.39 3,818 $ 3.25 Note: The figures represent the hospital's cost to produce the services — not the amount paid for services by payers — and they do not include the physician fees associated with the hospitalization
Hospital Cost by Diagnostic Category Pfuntner A (Truven Health Analytics), Wier LM (Truven Health Analytics), Steiner C (AHRQ). Costs for Hospital Stays in the United States, 2011. HCUP Statistical Brief #168. December 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
Facts from Study In 2011, the aggregate cost for all hospital stays was $387.3B, a mean of $10,000 per day. Together, adults aged 45–64 years and 65–84 years accounted for nearly two-thirds of aggregate hospital costs and had the highest mean costs per stay in 2011 ($12,500 and $12,600, respectively). Stays billed to Medicare and Medicaid together accounted for 63 percent of aggregate hospital costs in 2011. Circulatory conditions accounted for the largest share (18 percent) of hospital costs in 2011. Stays with septicemia had the highest aggregate hospital costs in 2011 ($20.3 billion), which more than quadrupled since 1997 with an 11.5 percent annual increase. The aggregate cost for stays with acute and unspecified renal failure increased in rank from 54th in 1997 to 20th in 2011, as costs for stays with renal failure more than quadrupled since 1997. Aggregate inflation-adjusted costs for hospital stays increased 3.6 percent annually between 1997 and 2011, with 2.8 percent annual growth in the intensity of services (cost per stay) and 1.0 percent annual growth in the population.
Average Annual Percent Change by Diagnosis Pfuntner A (Truven Health Analytics), Wier LM (Truven Health Analytics), Steiner C (AHRQ). Costs for Hospital Stays in the United States, 2011. HCUP Statistical Brief #168. December 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
Aggregate Cost Per Stay Pfuntner A (Truven Health Analytics), Wier LM (Truven Health Analytics), Steiner C (AHRQ). Costs for Hospital Stays in the United States, 2011. HCUP Statistical Brief #168. December 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.