W ork F irst W ork F irst Benefits BECOME A PARTNER IN WORKFORCE W A S H I N G T O N W ork F irst W A S H I N G T O N W ork F irst BECOME A PARTNER IN WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT An employee at no cost to you. Recruiting provided based on your needs Job retention support throughout the program Benefits Help participants gain work skills Everyone has abilities needed in today’s workforce Save on payroll expenses Getting Started If you are interested in learning more or would like to participate, please visit www.careerpathservices.org for local contact information/ Supporting your community through job training For statewide program information, contact Molly Onkka at 360-725-4147. (molly.onkka@commerce.wa.gov) “The Community Jobs Program has opened doors to life changing opportunities. It has helped me realize that I CAN instead of always thinking I can’t.” To inquire about the availability of this publication in an alternate format, please call 360-725-2650 or TDD/TYY 360-586-0772. Kristina, Community Jobs Graduate
Commerce WorkFirst Employment Programs How the programs work Community Jobs provides paid job training to gain needed work experience, marketable employment skills, confidence, and an avenue to permanent employment for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) participants. The Career Jump Program offers employment opportunities with an employer who has agreed to hire the participant when the training period ends. WorkFirst Employment Programs provide employers like yourself with an employee for up to a three, six, or 12 month period at no cost to you. Work hours are negotiable and payroll expenses are 100% covered by the program. Career Jump also offers an opportunity to build references, network, and demonstrate work skills directly through employment within the participant’s chosen field. Community Jobs programs work within your community providing employment counseling, personal goal development, and support services to participants to increase employability. You work with the contractor to develop a job description and then interview the potential employee. When the participant starts working, you report the hours worked, absences, and holidays on time sheets that are submitted to the contractor. You also submit a monthly evaluation of the employee’s work. The Community Works Program provides flexibility through unpaid work experience for up to 12 months. This program offers career planning, identifies short and long term job goals, and provides tailored work- related support services. "The WorkFirst program has been a life saver for my non-profit business. The partici- pants are sincere in getting work experience and give 100%. I have hired past partici- pants that I found were just too valuable to lose. The program is wonderful!" Shannon Koskenmaki, Executive Director St Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores Your local Commerce WorkFirst Employment Program contact will support you with regular contact on the participant’s progress and any support you may need. WorkFirst Employment Programs and employers work together to provide the skills and work experience needed for the participant to obtain permanent employment.