Guide: Dr. Marcos Esterman P07521 Will Casolara Matthew Harris Robert Jaromin Richard Andol Kathryn Berens Ross Strebig Guide: Dr. Marcos Esterman
Subsystems BASIC Stamp: Input=Analog, Output=Digital Functions Altimeter (Elevation for Tilt Motor) Hall-Effect Sensors (Stabilization Orientation – Post Processing) Inclinometer (Platform Orientation – Post Processing) Motor Movement (Signal from PC104) Power On\Off (Signal to PC104) Power-Save mode
Subsystems PC104+: The Brain Functions Input from GPS Module (Control for Pan & Tilt Motor) Process GPS coordinates into angles Store as data points for post-processing Store data from Basic Stamp Hall-Effect sensors, Inclinometer, Altimeter Process altimeter data for motor control Frame Grabber and Picture Storage – Every 2 sec. Stored to CF card in easy-access location
Subsystems Camera Stabilization: Passive weight system Functions Interface servos with pan/tilt camera movement Dampened passive orientation correction Oil filled hobby shocks ~20° swing correction capability Rotational wire management system
Subsystems GPS w/ WAAS: Motor orientation and location logging Functions Coordinates to PC104 for processing Antenna port w/ easy access Power Conditioning – 14.8V 12V & 5V High-Efficiency DC-DC converters Low Noise and Tolerance Fuse-Protected w/ easy access Self-contained battery bay w/ easy access Wide area augmentation system
Performance Pan Motor Tilt Motor Update System 3-1 gearing 360° in < 1 second Foam dampened to prevent overshoot and gear slip Tilt Motor Direct drive 90° in < 1 second Camera-Lock system Update System GPS update, motor movement, altimeter, hall effect, and inclinometer storage every 1 second Picture capture every 2 seconds
Accuracy Test setup/cycle Tilt Motor Pan Motor 0-90° in 5° increments, full sweep back 8 hour test Tilt Motor < 0.5° variation over range of test Pan Motor Same variation amplified through gears ~ 1° variation over range of test
Durability Impact resistant dome system Padded foam shock ring Polycarbonate (bulletproof) dome material Four latch points for safety and easy access Fully welded ¼ inch Aluminum frame Sealed Polycarbonate window panels 6 supporting cross-members
Durability Isolated & padded battery bay 15 threaded fasteners In case of battery failure Heat management 15 threaded fasteners Loctite and rubber washers Desiccated dome area to prevent fog Can be used in wide range of atmospheric conditions
User Interface Operations Manual Description Operating checklist Maintenance Operating parameters Flight Plan Flight Speed Elevation Max bank angle Max operating time
User Interface Inputs to system Done remotely via removable CF card Target GPS coordinates and altitude Airport elevation Done remotely via removable CF card Position verification User verifies camera is at zero point before turning on
Final Development Step Inclinometer Interface Sensor outputs 11 bytes BASIC Stamp only reads 2 at a time Working on a work-around Recent Development: Debug PC104 Operating System
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