AP ECONOMICS: February 7 (sub 6th and 7th) Warm-up Explain why it is imperative that lenders charge interest. Learning Target In order to understand how to measure and evaluate economic performance, I will analyze the nuances of the inflation rate. I will know I have it when I can: (1) define inflation, nominal inflation, and real inflation; (2) calculate the inflation rate; and (3) identify those that are hurt and benefit from inflation. Complete Worksheet 14.3 (HO)—can work in pairs; hold on to for discussion on Friday From your textbook (last topics of the unit) -Read about the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Other Price Measures (pp. 148-151) -Calculating Real GDP and What Real GDP Doesn’t Measure (pp. 116-118) Assignment Make sure you have watched all the Unit 2 GC videos FRQ #3 & #4 on Wednesday MCT #2 on Thursday