Agenda - IR -Film Clip Friday #3: Whiplash (Tone of Director) - Vocab Practice 1B -”Indian Father’s Plea” (terms: tone, theme, cultural identity) *Study Guide
Welcome and Reminders (1-25-19) **Grab your IR book and sit down to start reading! Vocab Quiz 1B – Monday, 1/28 Unit Test – Tuesday, 1/29 Study Guide given today and will be posted to the blog!
IR Vocab Review 1B
Film Clip: Analyzing Author’s Choices (character) Film Clip: Whiplash (2014) What mood is established in the scene? How? What does the director establish about each character?
Reading Check “Where Worlds Collide” – Answer One Pico Iyer, the author of "Where Worlds Collide" uses the allusion of _____________________ to… OR The new immigrants arriving in L.A. experience cultural conflict because…
Indian Father’s Plea Cultural and historical background video How have the Native Americans in this short film faced cultural assimilation? What have been the consequences? What’s one thing you learned that you can connect to one of the texts we’ve read? Read and annotate with guiding questions below: What is the purpose of this letter? What does he believe – and want the teacher to understand – about his son? What evidence does he provide to support his claim?