THIS IS Double Jeopardy
With Your Host... Ms. Jensen
Jeopardy The Texas Revolution Oregon Country Native Americans Go West Young Man Hodge-podge Say What? 100 00 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
This was the first battle of the Texas Revolution.
What is the Battle of Gonzales?
The provisional government of the Republic of Texas named this man as Commander-in-Chief of the Texas forces. A 200
Who was Sam Houston? A 200
This Tennessee backwoodsman and former Congressman lost his life at the Alamo.
Who was Davy Crockett? A 300
It was said of them that “they fought more like devils then like men” here.
What was the Alamo? A 400
Santa Anna was captured here.
What was San Jacinto? A 500
They were among the first settlers in Oregon after the fur traders/mountain men. B 100
Who were missionaries (the Whitmans and Spauldings)? B 100
These four countries originally laid claim to Oregon Country. B 200
Who/What are Russia, Spain, England and the United States? B 200
This meant that people from both Great Britain and America could settle in Oregon Country.
What is “joint occupation”? B 300
This was the staging area or jumping off point of the first large-scale migration to the Oregon Territory. B 400
What is Independence, MO? B 400
Great Britain and the United States resolved the Oregon issue by settling the boundary between them at this line. B 500
What is the 49th parallel (line of latitude)? B 500
They often were converted to Catholicism and worked here.
What are in the missions? C 100
An attempt to incorporate the best of the Native American world and the white man’s world.
What is “Cultural Accommodation”?
He created the Cherokee language.
Who was Sequoia? C 300
This was the forced march of the Cherokee and other Indian tribes west.
What is the Trail of Tears? C 400
This was the affect of Trans-Appalachian migration on the Native Americans.
What is that they were forced onto less desirable land?
This was a busy trade route to the capital of New Mexico.
What is the Santa Fe Trail? D 100
This is how you got to you Portland, OR.
What is the Overland Trail or the Oregon Trail?
These were also called Calistogas or Prairie Schooners.
What are covered wagons?
They helped the pioneers find their way when going over the mountain passes.
Who were the mountain men? D 400
This meant that the United States’ borders went from sea to shining sea.
What is “Manifest Destiny”?
This is the reason the United States did not annex Texas immediately after it won it’s independence from Mexico. E 100
What is that the US did not want a war with Mexico and did not want to upset the free/slave balance in Congress. E 100
Americans wanted this Mexican territory because it provided access to the Pacific.
What is California? E 200
With this purchase, the present day borders of the United States were set.
What is the Gadsden Purchase?
Mexicans who claimed Texas as their home were called this.
Who were Tejanos? E 400
He was the first vice president to become president because the elected president died in office.
Who was John Tyler? E 500
This was the court case that declared Cherokee land sovereign and laws of the US are not binding there upon. F 100
What was Worchester vs Georgia? F 100
The discovery of this on Cherokee land was the beginning of the end.
What was gold? F 200
The phrase to come out of the gold fields that meant you were part of something extrodinary
What is “I’ve seen the elephant”? F 300
This is the state moto for California.
What is “Eureke”? F 400
Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia
What is the Kiwi? F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Acts of Congress Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Click on screen to continue This act allowed the President to use the United States military to enforce acts of Congress. Click on screen to continue
Click on screen to continue What is the Force Bill? Click on screen to continue
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