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Presentation transcript:

PRO PLAN UPDATE– GOALS & OBJECTIVES Parks & Recreation Commission April 4, 2013

Overview Review existing goals & objectives in the 2005 PRO Plan Revise/add goals for update Do you think any of these goals are higher priorities than others? One set of goals and objectives for PRO Plan, Element RCO Requirement: Broad statements of intent (goals) and measures that describe when these intents will be attained (objectives). Goals need to be realistic, supported by resources available, and reflects community needs! - this will probably take several meetings - realistic, supported by resources you can reasonable expect to have available, and reflects the needs in your community - for example, we shouldn’t make goals we know we can’t attain financially; reflects needs – ie survey said that building new playgrounds wasn’t a high priority - Goal is to adopt the PRO Plan as the Parks & Recreation element of the Comp Plan – one set of goals, objectives, strategies - PRO Plan is a functional plan intended to describe how the City will implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan

Growth Management Act Goal #8 Retain open space. Enhance recreational opportunities. Conserve fish and wildlife habitat. Increase access to natural resource lands and water. Develop parks and recreational facilities. - this will probably take several meetings - realistic, supported by resources you can reasonable expect to have available, and reflects the needs in your community - for example, we shouldn’t make goals we know we can’t attain financially; reflects needs – ie survey said that building new playgrounds wasn’t a high priority - Goal is to adopt the PRO Plan as the Parks & Recreation element of the Comp Plan – one set of goals, objectives, strategies - PRO Plan is a functional plan intended to describe how the City will implement the policies of the Comprehensive Plan 3

Comprehensive Plan Element Goals 1. To provide quality parks and open space for Woodinville’s citizens and visitors 2. To ensure adequate and enriching recreational activities for the citizens of Woodinville 3. To create and preserve a variety of open space to maintain and enhance the quality of life 4. To explore innovative opportunities to achieve parks, recreation, and open space objectives as a part of all City planning activities and development review 5. To create a public process that involves citizens in identifying, acquiring, and designing parks, recreation facilities, and open space, and in designing recreational programming to meet diverse needs. - Broader, overarching goals - Each goal has a set of policies, not included here for brevity, but are in agenda packet

PRO Plan Goal Areas Open Spaces and Preserves Historical Features and Interests Trail and Corridor Access Systems Recreational Facilities Special Purpose Facilities Cultural Arts Programs and Resources Design and Access Standards Financial Resources and Coordination Human Resources - More specific, action-oriented

Conclusion - Many goals and strategies within the Comp Plan and PRO Plan - Many ways to approach goals and policies Recommendation: - Make one set of goals and strategies - Capital development plan - Review & consider operational goals - 10 year time frame - a number of ways to go about this - no one format is needed – City of Bellevue for example, took the Comp Plan goals and came up with 4 key philosophical concepts for its department - no specific number of goals are needed - Look at broad goals first and evaluate - Move to policies within different categories – ie open space, parks, trails, recreation, historic (could use the existing categories - Start with goals, then move to objectives, backed up by parks system data Staff recommendations: - one set of goals - purpose of PRO Plan is for capital development – grants - streamlined - review and consider operational goals - planning for a 10 year time frame; needs to be no older than 6 years for grant eligibility 6