The Importance of Credibility in Relationship Building Dr. Tami Radohl, PhD, LSCSW Director of Field Education Assistant Professor Social Work
Overview How do we define credibility? How does credibility impact communication? How is credibility different than “trust?” Application Activity—Dr. Phil Kahoot (I hope you have a personal electronic device!) How does credibility impact relationship dynamics? Small Group / Large Group Activity
Objectives for this session
Objectives for this session 1) explain the definition of credibility in your own words; 2) understand how language or terminology influences emotional responses; and 3) apply the concept to real-life situations
Research in the real world… Family-Directed Structural Therapy (FDST) is one model of many. McLendon et al., 2005; 2009; Radohl, 2011 Additional studies have taken place at the University of Northern Kentucky (Tara and Don McLendon) A primary component within FDST is “core issues” Credibility is a “core issue” in FDST that will be explored at length in this session. Empowerment is another core issue which will be explored in relation to credibility
Communication & Listening What is the definition of “communication?” How do you know that people are listening to you?
Barriers to listening What are some things that get in the way? Verbals (e.g. that doesn’t surprise me coming from you; of course, you would think that; what do you want this time?) Non-verbals (rolling eyes, crossing arms, stance, tone of voice) Trying to listen to more than one conversation. You are tired You sympathize rather than empathize You are biased or have made other judgements Pre-occupied Others? This is where self-awareness comes in! Pay attention this week to the verbals and non-verbals you use with friends, at work, at home, etc.
Empowerment What do people do when they don’t feel heard? In FDST, empowerment is having a sense that one’s opinion is heard and respected, and believing that one can affect change. Do people listen to what you have to say? Kids – Is your opinion valued by other people even if they don’t agree? Sometimes, do things change because of what you had to say? How do “barriers of listening” come into play?
Definition: Credibility Credibility is communicating what one will or will not do and demonstrating the ability to carry through. Do you do what you say you will do? Kids – When you say you will do something, do you do it? In this model, “credibility” is used instead of “trust”. What is trust? What’s the difference between the two concepts?
Credibility Credibility is an effective way to understand the importance of follow-through and action when building and maintaining relationships. Instead of focusing on belief systems, credibility focuses on the importance of behavior and removing emotional reactivity in communication.
Tying it all together Concept application: Empowerment Credibility Communication Concept application: How do empowerment and credibility work together or influence each other? How might you use “credibility” instead of trust and what would that look like?
Dr. Phil Learning Exercise—Firing up your brain!
Kahoot time! Please have your smart phones/tablets/laptops ready and connected to wifi! (if you need help connecting, please let me know).
Small group activity and discussion Break up into groups of 3-4 In 5 minutes or less…answer: How does credibility impact relationships? Click on word cloud link and add answers as needed Discussion with larger group
Conclusion Review concepts: Credibility; trust; empowerment How does credibility impact relationships? Questions/comments?