Presentation Outline Forward About Scouting What We Do History Mission & Vision Promise and Law What We Do Our Key Initiatives World Events World Organization Africa 40 + 7 Arab Asia Pacific Europe Interamerica Conclusion 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Forward: Dear Friends, Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September, a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples, by The United Nations General Assembly. Our world is under serious threats; ranging from Insurgencies and Instabilities, Hunger and starvation, Environmental and Health challenges, societal fragmentation, increased insecurity, polarized political discourse, increasing inequalities, climatic changes, etc. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Forward: United Nations and Scouts share the same humanistic spirits. From the words of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations; “As Scouts, we contribute to our communities, protect our environments and help people in need. It also teaches individual compassion and they make society better for all.” 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Forward: As we join the rest of the World to commemorate this day, lets not forget the theme for this years celebration; Together for Peace, Respect, Safety, and Dignity for all. These values contribute to the sole existence of humanity. Lets always remember that “Alone I can go fast, but Together, we can go far…” We appreciate all scouts, leaders and supporters for their wonderful contribution towards “Creating a Better World” 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
“It’s a movement, because it moves forward “It’s a movement, because it moves forward. As soon as it stops moving, it becomes an organisation and is no longer Scouting.” Robert Baden-Powell 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
About Scouting: Scouting, the World’s Leading Educational Youth Movement has grown from the 20 Boys Brownsea Island Experience of 1907, to more than 40million scouts spread across 167 NSO’s/NSA’s in 6 regions of the world in 2017. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
About Scouting: Employing both formal and informal education system, the movement has achieved this feat through Youth Empowerment, creation of active global citizens, cultivation of lifelong values and skills, engagement in peace education, and the creation of positive Social Impacts. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
About Scouting: Scouting is not a Military or Paramilitary Movement. Scouting is not a cult or secret society. Scouting is not a terrorist movement. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Mission of Scouting: "The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society." 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Mission of Scouting: The Mission was adopted at the 35th World Scout Conference in Durban, South Africa in 1999. Illustrating both the local and global impact of Scouting, the Mission of Scouting has been captured in World Scouting’s brand as "Creating a Better World”. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Scouting Vision: "By 2023 Scouting will be the world’s leading educational youth movement, enabling 100 million young people to be active citizens creating positive change in their communities and in the world based on shared values." 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Scouting Vision: The Vision for Scouting, Vision 2023, was adopted at the 40th World Scout Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2014. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Scout Promise & Law: The Scout Movement is based on the following principles: Duty to God - a person’s relationship with the spiritual values of life, and the fundamental belief in a force above mankind. Duty to others – a person’s relationship with, and responsibility within, society in the broadest sense of the term: his or her family, local community, country and the world at large, as well as respect for others and for the natural world. Duty to self – a person’s responsibility to develop his or her own potential, to the best of that person’s ability. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Scout Promise & Law: All members of the Scout Movement are required to adhere to the Scout Promise and Scout Law. The wording may vary in different National Scout Organizations as appropriate to the local culture, but they are all based on the Promise and Law originally conceived by the Founder of the Scout Movement, Baden-Powell. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Scout Promise: “On my honour I promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country) To help other people at all times; To obey the Scout Law.” 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Scout Law: 1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted. 2. A Scout is loyal. 3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others. 4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout. 5. A Scout is courteous. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
The Scout Law: 6. A Scout is a friend to animals. 7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster without question. 8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties. 9. A Scout is thrifty. 10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
What Do We Do?: Scouting provides young people with opportunities to participate in programmes, events, activities and projects that contribute to their growth as active citizens. Through these initiatives, young people become agents of positive change who inspire others to take action. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Our Key Initiatives: Messengers of Peace World Scout Environment Programme Scouts of the World Award Dialogue for Peace Safe from Harm Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature and Environment (SCENES) Food for life 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
World Events: Scouting is an international Movement that encourages meetings across cultural and geographical borders. An important part of Scouting is to meet and develop from the exchange with others from across the globe. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
World Events: The underlisted events are together called the “World Events” and are arranged on a regular basis, on locations decided by the World Scout Conference. The World Scout Conference, The World Scout Youth Forum, The World Scout Jamboree and The World Scout Moot 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
World Events: Other international events organised and/or supported by World Scouting include: The Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTA-JOTI), The World Scout Education Congress and the World Scout Inter-religious Symposium 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
World Organization: 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
World Organization: Africa Region = 40 NSOs + 7 Potential NSO Arab =19 NSO’s Asia Pacific = 25 NSO’s + 2 Potential Eurasia = 9 NSO’s Europe = 40 NSO’s Interamerica = 34 NSO’s Total =167 NSO’s + 9 Potential NSO 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Conclusion: Our Elders, Parents and Guardians, Leaders and fellow scouts, Baden-Powel once said; “Leave this world a bit better than you met it”. I thank you all for not relenting efforts in continually doing so. I also wish to encourage everyone to keep-up the good work, which actually defines the purpose of humanity. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
PEACE STARTS WITH ME!!! WE ARE SCOUTS, WE ARE MESSENGERS OF PEACE!!! 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim
Conclusion Long Live The Oyo State Scout Council! Long Live The Scout Association of Nigeria!! Long Live The Africa Scout Region!!! Long Live The World Organization of Scout Movement!!!! Happy International Peace Day 2017. God Bless You All. 9/19/2017 The Role of Scouting as an Institution In Peace Building – Solomon Etim