6 months after the holiday break…..smile!! This will be you! Enjoy the journey to Grad Day!
Grad 2019 Info Night Welcome everyone!
Introduction of School Grad Committee Team: Welcome!! Introduction of School Grad Committee Team: Mrs. Corinna Derewianchuk – Grad convener Mrs. Angela Skog– Grad convener Mrs. Lauren Edel (Guidance) Mrs. Angela Clayton (Class Advisor) Mr. Travis Dekezel/Mrs. Angela Bahnman: Fundraising Mr. Watson (Safe Grad)
First Things First…Mrs. Edel: Credits Scholarships, Awards booklet Graduation 2019 First Things First…Mrs. Edel: Credits Scholarships, Awards booklet Post Secondary Days, Early Admission Deadlines Website for information Very important: Parents/Students talk to teachers & Mrs. Edel to stay on top of things!
Graduation 2019 How does Grad work? School/Student/Parent Committees: Student reps are on each committee and in some cases make up the committee and are lead by teachers. SIGN UPS at back on table! 1st Decorating/Prom Meeting: Nov. 26th at 6:30 p.m. Fundraising meeting: TBA Safe Grad: TBA Decorating/Prom – Mrs. D. and Mrs. Skog Fundraising – raffle and pizza sales– Safe Grad – voting first, parent committee volunteers needed, Info meeting in new year. Mr. Watson Music, theme, motto, cap and gown measurements (students and teacher) – Mrs. Clayton Grad Wear: Online Video and Slide Shows (Students and teacher) - Mr. Dekezel Grad Music Committee, Grad Video/Slide Show Committee: Angela Clayton
We are all volunteering our time to make your day a special one! Graduation 2019 Student and Parent Committee Responsibilities /Roles: If you wish to have a say in the planning, please join a committee and participate! Each committee will require approximately 3-4 adult volunteer working members who will plan and prepare for the graduation on behalf of the group. 2 student representatives (may be more if needed) are expected to be on and participate in the committees. Each student can only be on one committee please. Committee members asked to attend the meetings at the school on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the library. We aim for monthly meetings or as needed by the groups. If you cannot make Monday meetings and want to be involved, no worries as you can volunteer instead to assist in June with decorating or Safe Grad. Please respect all the effort and time put in by all grads, parent/guardians, and staff on these committees. We are all volunteering our time to make your day a special one!
Graduation 2019 Committees work within a budget (estimated): This has been provided to you in a hand-out. FEES $260/grad includes 4 Prom Tickets (with food), a yearbook, DJ, etc. Students have 2 fundraising opportunities to pay for their fees OR you may choose to write a cheque payable to Morris School and NOT fundraise. Students who raise more than their required fees MAY gift it towards a fellow grad’s fees. If not, it stays in the grad fund for the committees to use and for grad prizes at the banquet (for grads only).
Graduation 2019 Other important info: All info will be put on the website starting after this meeting. Please use the school website to keep up on forms, information, etc. Grad Wear – Online Yearbook Convocation Slideshow: 3 photos are needed of each grad spanning from baby to present day but not including their grad photo. (We will have that.) Please scan (jpeg) and email them to tdekezel@rrvsd.ca .
Grad 2019 Other Info Continued… Grad Photos will be on the In-service Day on Friday, Feb. 4th. Information will be coming soon and posted on the website. There is a sitting fee. Grad retakes happen in March and will also be posted on the website. Grads MUST get a photo taken for the yearbook and composite picture HOWEVER, if you already know you will not order any photos from LifeTouch, you pay a reduced fee (ex. $5).
Graduation 2019 Seating in general: Mrs. D. Each grad gets 2 reserved spots in the Parent/Guardian section so they have priority seating. Behind that section is the Family Section reserved for immediate family (the grad’s siblings and grandparents, aunts/uncles). The Family Section will be a large section marked by bows and signs. It is first come first serve but there is always enough seats. Behind those 2 sections it is General Seating (rush seating). The far east side of the seating will have reserved seating along the far wall for presenters and staff. BEST seating is reserved for Parents/Guardians and Family. Seating for Grandparents, immediate family members with disabilities (accessibility/wheelchair, vision, hearing). Requests can be given and we will place them near aisles, closer to front, etc. as best we can.
Graduation: Quick Review of Dates & Times Timeline in your hand-outs. Wednesday, June 19th – Students/parents decorate the hall. (We may be able to be in on the Tuesday/free of charge. TBA. Thursday, June 20th – Rehearsal at 3:30 p.m. for ALL students. (Book off work please.) Friday, June 21st is Graduation NOON: Grads are to be at the Multiplex, dressed & on stage at noon that day for their composite pictures. Doors open at 1p.m. (Lots of seating –no worries.) Convocation is 2p.m. to approximately 3:30/4p.m. A receiving line in the hall immediately follows convocation. Prom follows later 7 pm to 10pm. Brief program, dancing and food. Safe Grad, if the grads choose to do this, it begins at 11p.m.
Graduation 2019 Lastly, Those who are willing to be on the Fundraising and Prom/Decorating Committees please sign up after the meeting. We are available to talk/answer questions. To complete before leaving tonight or by next Monday, Nov. 27th: A Safe Grad voting sheet: IF the grads vote yes, then an information evening will be held once the committee meets. Intent form to participate in convocation. Mrs. Edel’s intent form (to be read at the ceremonies). Due ASAP please. Thanks for coming out!!
Graduation 2019 Contact Information Corinna Derewianchuk cderewianchuk@rrvsd.ca Angela Skog askog@rrvsd.ca Mike Watson mwatson@rrvsd.ca Lauren Edel ledel@rrvsd.ca Angela Clayton aclayton@rrvsd.ca Angela Bahnman abahnman@rrvsd.ca Travis Dekezel tdekezel@rrvsd.ca