Fall 2012 Community College Counselor Conference Student Services I: Students with Disabilities, Veterans & other Special Populations Fall 2012 Community College Counselor Conference
Overview Student Support Services Health and Wellness Services for Students with Disabilities Veterans Health and Wellness Special Populations
Challenges for Transfer Students Sometimes transferring to a larger institution Academic work becomes more demanding Universal design principles place accommodations across the campus Students assume that policies, procedures, and practices will be the same or similar to their previous institution
Things for Students to Consider Disability documentation requirements of the campus – will the current documentation be sufficient? Have prerequisite classes been met – substitutions and/or waivers are not always beneficial later? Does the campus have other support services needed?
Accommodations – Case by Case Accommodations are determined by the student’s functional limitations and the academic standards for each class. Extended time to take exams A reader and/or scribe for exams Notetaking Alternative media (Braille, e-text, audio) Assistive technology Peer mentoring & academic coaching Tape recording of classes Accessible classroom furniture Career preparation services
Key Messages to Students There are differences in what accommodations are given and how they are applied. Make contact with Disability Services early (so students will know what to expect – informed choice) Register with Disability Services as soon as accepted (early class registration) Do not reveal disability information during application process
Student Support Services Troops to College Program The California State University (CSU) is a leader in providing high-quality, accessible, student-focused higher education. It offers unlimited opportunities to help students meet their personal and professional goals.
Student Support Services Troops to College Program Why the CSU is a great choice for veterans Large number of student veterans Dedicated Veteran staff Many campuses have Veteran Specific Admissions
Student Support Services Troops to College Program Why the CSU is a great choice for veterans Student Veteran Groups Veteran Support Teams Vet Friendly atmosphere Scholarship Opportunities
Health & Wellness Student Health Centers Immunization requirements prior to enrollment Measles and Rubella - immunization for or immunity to Measles and Rubella is required for all students born after 1/1/1957 Hepatitis B - all students 18 or younger at time of first enrollment must provide proof of immunity to Hepatitis B
Health & Wellness Student Health Centers Basic services (e.g., annual physicals, cold and flu care, and care for injuries) Dental & optometry clinics Immunizations Lab, x-ray & pharmacy Sexual & reproductive health Health educators
Health & Wellness Counseling & Psychological Services Centers Individual & group counseling Support groups Crisis Assistance Workshops (e.g., Self-esteem, relationships 101, test anxiety, dating violence, public speaking anxiety, group facilitator training, etc.)
Special Populations AB-540 Student Requirements Attended a high school in California for three or more years Graduated from a CA high school or attained the equivalent of a high school diploma, (Passed the GED or CA High School Proficiency Exam) Register or be currently enrolled in one of the three state institutions of higher learning File an affidavit with the college or university stating that he or she has applied to legalize his or her legal status or will do so as soon as he or she is eligible to do so All information provided by student will be kept confidential by the college or university
Special Populations AB-540 Student Eligibility Any student, except a person in non-immigrant status, who meets the specific requirements shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at all public colleges and universities in California. Any student means U.S. citizen, legal resident and undocumented person An undocumented person is a non-citizen who entered the U.S. without legal immigration status or who stayed after the period he/she was authorized to be in the U.S. Non-immigrant status means visa holders [e.g., tourist (B visa) or student (F or J visa)]
Special Populations AB-540 Admission Application Process Encouraged to apply for admission during the priority filing period (Oct. 1- Nov 30) The SSN area should be left blank on the Admission Application. The Residency questions should be answered according to their personal residency situation. If an undocumented student is charged non-resident tuition but the student knows they meet the AB 540 guidelines, please have the student contact the campus and turn in a California NonresidentTuition Exemption Request Form otherwise known as an AB 540 Affidavit.
Thank you!