Towards inclusive employment in the post- Lisbon architecture


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Presentation transcript:

Towards inclusive employment in the post- Lisbon architecture 2010 and Beyond: EAPN Proposals on a Legacy for 2010 and post 2010 EU Strategy Towards inclusive employment in the post- Lisbon architecture Amana Ferro, EAPN policy officer for Employment

Outline Presenting EAPN 2010 – Key Challenges EAPN Overaching Proposals Key Concerns and Proposals on Active Inclusion and Employment

Who is EAPN? Independent EU Network of NGOs committed to fight against poverty and social exclusion Started in 1990 – key actor in poverty programmes and development of social OMC. Receives financial support from the European Commission (PROGRESS) 25 National Networks and 22 European NGOs as members. (1,500+ organisations)

2010: Key Challenges 2010 – EU year against poverty and social exclusion, 10 years on from Lisbon, new post 2010 strategy An economic model that has failed to deliver on poverty and prosperity for all and has contributed to the crisis. A crisis that is exacerbating impact on poor/ and widening gap between old and new poor No more business as usual – Time for change

EAPN Overarching Proposals. An EU We Can Trust: New Goals Put people and planet before profit Put the economy at service of social and sustainable development Make the fight against poverty, inequality and social exclusion, a pre-requisite for progress

An EU We Can Trust: 3 Key Demands A new social and sustainable post 2010 EU strategy A Social Progress Pact – Delivering on rights and solidarity Building a dynamic partnership for change

1. New Social and Sustainable post 2010 Strategy New overarching objectives and architecture: promoting social cohesion and fundamental rights delivered through 4 pillars (economic/employment/social/ environmental) New tools to ensure implementation and political visibility eg poverty targets, new indicators beyond GDP, use of Structural Funds to deliver social inclusion

2. A Social Progress Pact Reduce inequality/ share the wealth Guarantee adequate minimum income and access to services. Create a pathway to inclusion – Active Inclusion Invest in quality social/green jobs and social economy Challenge discrimination/promote diversity Promote global social justice and equity

3. Building a dynamic partnership for change Implementing participative governance, involving NGOs and people in poverty at all stages of policy cycle. Ensure financial and other support to NGOs who support/empower people in poverty and provide services.

EAPN Key Concerns Active Inclusion Shortcomings in the implementation of the EC Active Inclusion Recommendation – no clear rodamap Not enough attention paid to the integrated approach (exclusion is a complex issue); Increasing conditionality continues to mar activation measures; The focus should be on access to quality employment; Increased difficulty and hardship for people in poverty to gain access to quality jobs, especially in a time of crisis; Not enough stress on flanking services.

EAPN Proposals for the future – Active Inclusion Roadmap to implement the Recommendation A well-publicised roadmap should be put forward; Progress on individual pillars needs to be strengthened and deepened; The integrated approach must, however, be reinforced; Need for clear social standards for adequate minimum income schemes and access to quality services; Raising visibility at national and EU level, while encouraging mutual learning and exchange of best practices

* emphasize the need for integrated approaches; EAPN Proposals for the future – Active Inclusion Mainstreaming the Recommendation In the Economic Recovery packages * emphasize the need for integrated approaches; * counter the current trend to pursue activation at all cost; * recognition of current labour market constraints; * focus on providing adequate minimum income, access to quality services, and decent employment. In the European Employment Strategy * revise the Integrated Guidelines, especially Guideline 19; * highlight the integrated approach; * make it a priority in all documents related to post-2010.

EAPN Proposals for the future – Active Inclusion Implement the EP’s Active Inclusion Report Improve the effectiveness of delivery, in line with the Report’s recommendations; Need to reduce punitive activation; Establish targets for the adequacy of minimum income, above the poverty threshold; Work towards a Directive on Services of General Interest. Support social economy; Tackle discrimination.

EAPN Key Concerns Employment Crisis led to a shrinking supply of jobs; Increased precariousness and lack of quality of the jobs that are being defended at all costs; In-work poverty not being taken into account (although it is 8% of all workers); Increased demands placed on the worker (flexibility, adaptability, mobility…); Not enough targeted support for vulnerable groups; Discrimination insufficiently and ineffectively tackled; Social economy is not supported enough.

EAPN Proposals for the future – Employment Reshape the current architecture (1) Reform the European Employment Strategy * restructure the Employment Guidelines; * effectively mainstream the Active Inclusion principles; * add new anti-poverty objectives and targets; * create virtuous circles between economic productivity and social inclusion through employment; * ensuring coherence with all other relevant policies. Promote a Directive on Minimum Wages * ensure living wages, compatible with human dignity; * create a positive hierarchy between minimum income schemes and minimum wages; * ensure that jobs are sure routes out of poverty; * achieve uniformity across the European Union concerning adequacy levels; * establish adequacy levels together with the social partners.

EAPN Proposals for the future – Employment Reshape the current architecture (2) Bet on quality jobs and fighting in-work poverty * expand and implement the current criteria on quality work in the Employment Guidelines; * effectively tackle in-work poverty and establish appropriate quality targets and standards; * ensure that ALMP do not push people into precarious employment; addressing undeclared work and poor working conditions; * address the challenge of the work/benefit trap; * fully implementing the EC agenda on decent work; * reconcile private and professional life * Ensure that flexicurity equally reinforces the security pillar, not just the flexibility one;

EAPN Proposals for the future – Employment Job creation and new challenges (1) Invest in Social and Green Jobs * support public investment in creating new smart green jobs, as well as jobs in the social services sector; * Make sure that these new jobs benefit the most excluded and vulnerable segments of population, as well as regions; * support more research to prove trade-offs with other areas of activity and services. * increase investment in new social services (care, health, education etc), which provide jobs while in turn responding to new social needs. * provide adequate and matching skills upgrading and training for people to be able to take up these new jobs. * support the targeted use of Structural Funds to this effect.

EAPN Proposals for the future – Employment Job creation and new challenges (2) Support Social Economy * provide an adequate legislative framework for social economy in the EU; * support research in the crucial role of social economy in the socio-professional integration of vulnerable groups; * support the regulation, creation and functioning of work integration social enterprises (WISEs); * encourage the exchange of best practices; * make resources available for the development of this sector, including targeted Structural Funds.

Overview of key demands Adequate employment (quality jobs, stable employment, living wages, decent working conditions, protection of rights); Adequate minimum income for a dignified life for groups that can not access employment; Access to quality, affordable social and flanking services; Integrated pathway approaches to work and inclusion; Empowerment, participation and self respect; Pro-active measures to defend fundamental rights and tackle discrimination; Increased transparency, improved governance and participation of stakeholders and their associations. More effective and tageted use of Structural Funds to support these objectives.

Thank you! Amana FERRO EAPN Secretariat, Policy Officer for Employment For more information: Amana FERRO EAPN Secretariat, Policy Officer for Employment Philip O’CONNOR EAPN IE, Chair of the Employment Working Group