Nov. 4, 2014 Warm up: After studying the pictures, please respond to the quote by Albert Einstein about how technology plays a part in limiting our social interactions with others. Nov. 4, 2014 Objective: Begin novel study over Fahrenheit 451--pre-reading and/or introduction to the novel; tone.
In your comp book… Choose one or two of the following quotes from Fahrenheit 451 to respond to in your writing section: “It was a pleasure to burn.” “His hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning.” “He knew that when he returned to the firehouse, he might wink at himself, a minstrel man, burnt-corked, in the mirror.” “It never went away, that smile, it never ever went away, as long as he remembered.” You can make a prediction about what you believe might occur in the book, or you can make a personal association with the quote(s).
Teacher notes… Instruct students to highlight words with a positive connotation in the excerpt. Then instruct students to highlight words with a negative connotation in a different color. - STOP 11/4 • Discuss difference between tone and mood (the author’s attitude toward the subject vs. the reader’s feeling when reading a text) • Ask students to define the tone of the passage. What words/diction points to that assertion? • Ask students to define the mood of the passage. What words/diction points to that assertion? • Discuss how the word choice dictates the tone and mood.
Why does the author use the analogy of the firefighter to a conductor?
The firefighter is enjoying burning the books just as a conductor enjoys conducting music. It is almost an art to the firefighter.
Why does the author use visual imagery in this line “gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black?”
Red, yellow, and black are colors symbolizing danger and the word “gorging” gives the picture of something greedy and large. The visual imagery helps support the mood.
What does the quotation “eyes all orange flame” mean What does the quotation “eyes all orange flame” mean? How does it connect with Unit 1’s “The Sniper?”
“Eyes all orange flame” shows that Montag is consumed by his job just like the sniper lost himself in his job and his eyes had the “cold gleam of the fanatic.”