Journal #9 Write in your notebook examples of pressure situations(at least two) that you have experienced or someone you know has experienced. Next to the examples that are individual pressures put and “I” and next to the examples of group pressures put a “G”
Great example….
Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure Negative: Influence from peers to behave a certain way that is not responsible. Positive: Influence peers to behave in certain ways that has a positive result. ie. volunteering
How schools are using peer pressure: How is this effective?
Styles of Communication Passive: Poor eye contact, soft voice, head lowered, fidgety, shoulders stooped. Aggressive: Stiff posture, loud voice, mean glare, threatening, move toward the person, make a fist. Assertive: Direct eye contact, speak clearly, stand straight, be direct, be honest, Use “I” messages, use refusal skills.
Resistance Strategies Say NO with confidence Avoid situations where there will be pressure to make poor decisions. Walk away Change the subject Give excuses
Volunteers to the Hall Please!!
5 Minutes to Peer Pressure someone into taking the candy http://www
Candy Drama What types of resistance strategies did you see in this role play? What did the people who were pressuring use to entice the others to eat the candy?
FIVE negative Peer Pressure Statements 1) No one will ever know 2) What is the big deal? 3) I do it all the time and have never been caught or hurt. 4) Everybody else is doing it. 5) You only live once
Consequences Harm your health Threaten your safety Cause you to disrespect yourself and others Cause you to feel guilty and ashamed Harm your self confidence Cause you to disrespect your parents and other adults Cause you to break laws
Be confident and assertive!!!!
In groups -3-5, come up with a school appropriate situation in which you will need to use some of the resistance strategies. You will present a short skit to the class.