Midwinter Legal Conference MASSE Conference Midwinter Legal Conference Heather Burleson SPED 6410 Dr. Alice Hoekstra
My Summary Day 1 There are a lot of supervisors and directors in the State of Michigan! I hope to be one of them some day soon! I was familiar with most of the topics! Topics I have dealt with in the last few years! Especially the behavior topic! I liked going through the case studies Not surprised about the compliance trends/issues New things I learned Learned more about the law behind the issues deal with on a daily basis Learned more about the Due Process at the State Level Learned more about 504 and IHP Plan Laws
Legal Issue 1 Pre-Determination and Notice IDEA requires districts to provide parents the opportunity for meaningful participation in IEP team decision making. Consequence: Compromises FAPE Opportunity for participation should be documented in a number of ways Denial of Meeting looks like: Pre-determination- IEP content is decided prior to meeting Failure to facilitate
Legal Issue 1 Pre-Determination and Notice Continued Most essential and important part of the IEP document and process District must provide notice for the IEP Process IEP and Notice Form are designed to talk to each other Use the Notice Form to Capture items that considered at meeting but not selected Must put reason for non-selection Should provide a reason that is backed by evidence and data based.
Legal Issue 2 Behavior Hot Topic Issue Eligible Student vs Not yet Eligible Student Not yet eligible student Are Child Studies being implemented Did other teacher or personnel express concern? Was it followed up? Should look at before behavior Did parent make request for evaluation
Legal Issue 2 Behavior Continued Always Exception to the rules! Pattern of Exclusion No bright line Use the pattern of exclusion worksheet like a running record Manifestation Reviews Make sure to ask right questions What was the behavior
Wrap Up Technical Difficulties Informational Day I liked having the information about the different bills that impact education I thought there would be more information Informational Day Good to sit and network/talk with other colleagues within my district who are supervisors