Science - Year 3/4B Spring 1


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Presentation transcript:

Science - Year 3/4B Spring 1 Living Things and their Habitats Habitat Helpers Session 4 Game PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

What a Waste!

This is a team game all about Waste. On each slide there is a question with 3 answers. There is a low answer, a middle answer and a high answer. Your team should discuss the question and agree on the answer you think is correct. If you think the low answer is correct, crouch with your hands touching the floor. If you think the middle answer is correct, stand with your hands held straight out in front of you. If you think the high answer is correct, reach your hands high up into the air. When all the teams have made their choice your teacher will click to reveal the answer. The teams that have picked the correct answer win a cube. The team with the most cubes at the end is the winner. Good Luck!

1. In the UK we throw away a lot of rubbish each year. 28, 450 times 16, 850 times This rubbish could completely cover the pitch at Old Trafford where Manchester United play … 5, 750 times

2. The weight of rubbish we throw away in the UK each year would be the same weight as a queue of double decker buses end to end that would stretch … To the sun and back Two and a half times around the world From London to Paris and back

Up to 1,000 years Up to 500 years Around 100 years 3. An average plastic carrier bag is in use for 12 minutes. How long does it take to break down (disappear into the soil)? Up to 1,000 years Up to 500 years Around 100 years

4. Paper and card is made from wood pulp. The average UK family throws out enough paper and card each year to use up … 10 trees 6 trees 2 trees

5. 1 in every 7 people in the world does not have enough food to eat but in the UK an average family throws away … One half of the food they buy One third of the food they buy One sixth of the food they buy

900 million 45 million 10 million 6. Most of the clothes we throw away are not worn out and they could be used by someone else. 900 million 45 million How many items of clothing get thrown into landfill every year? 10 million

It will never break down 7. Glass containers can be used again and again. Glass is also 100% recyclable. It will never break down Over 10, 000 years When glass ends up as litter or landfill, how long will it take to break down (disappear into the soil)? Up to 1, 000 years

8. Metal food and drink cans are made of aluminium or steel which can be recycled again and again. 30 hours 3 hours Recycling one aluminium drinks can will save enough energy to power a television for … 30 minutes

20 times as much 10 times as much Double the amount 9. Plastic is a useful material but we are using an enormous quantity of it. Almost half of it is used just once and then thrown away. 20 times as much 10 times as much Double the amount How much more plastic are we using now compared to 50 years ago?

10. Sadly, a huge quantity of plastic is ending up in the sea. In some places the number of plastic items outnumbers the fish! 1 day 10 hours You can help by reducing the amount of plastic you use and always recycle as much of your plastic as you possibly can. Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power this light bulb for … 6 hours

End of Game Congratulations to the winning teams Well done everyone – you have learned a lot about waste!