Fouls and Scoring Situations Revised 21 Oct 08 M. Pasenelli CACPFO Rules Interpreter
Our Mission: To know what the enforcement rules are for fouls during scoring situations and to demonstrate our knowledge of those rules by answering the situations correctly. Discuss the situation of the week
Agenda Field Goal—no change from 2007 Successful Try—no change from 2007 Touchdown—major change from 2007
Carry Over Fouls If there is a foul committed by the opponents of the scoring team, the penalty may be carried over to the succeeding spot or to the subsequent kickoff for field goals, tries and touchdowns. (8-2-2, 8-3-5, 8-4-3) No carry over provisions for safeties.
Definitions: Succeeding Spots Situation Regulation Overtime Field Goal Kickoff Next Series Try Touchdown New definition: subsequent kickoff (8-2-2). So, when do you have a touchdown and no subsequent kickoff?
Philosophy: To prevent cheap shots from occurring. Situation #1 (MP): A1 is running for a long touchdown. Lineman B1 hits an A player who is obviously out of the play, a violation of 9-4-3b. Ruling: Without the ability to carry over the penalty, he would essentially be getting a free shot. Therefore, the carryover foul rules were put into place.
Successful Field Goal (8-4-3): R fouls, field goal is good K has the following options: Take the points off the board and enforce the penalty with our regular enforcement Keep the points, carry the penalty over to the succeeding spot Regulation: kickoff Overtime: next series Philosophy: either way, R’s foul is penalized
Successful try (8-3-5): B fouls, try (1 or 2 points) is good: A has the following options: Take the point(s), carry the penalty over to the succeeding spot Replay the try (go for 2) with the yardage assessed Note that it says “unless in conflict with other rules”—if the try won the game, we would not go to a succeeding spot
Successful try: A fouls, try (1 or 2 points) is good: B has the following options: Assess the penalty and replay the down, unless there is a loss of down foul If loss of down, there is no score and no replay (and no change in the usual kickoff) 8-3-4
Replay unless loss of down foul Penalty obviously declined BY TRY IS GOOD NO GOOD 1 POINT 2 POINTS A Replay unless loss of down foul Penalty obviously declined B Accept score with carry-over penalty or go for 2 Accept score with carry-over penalty Replay
Touchdown (8-2-2, 8-2-3) This is the complicated situation Why? It is possible to have a change of possession prior to a touchdown Here’s the thought process: If there was no change in possession, we have the usual carry-over option—accept the foul (rare) with normal enforcement, or keep the touchdown and carry over the enforcement to either the try or the subsequent kickoff If there was a change in possession, we have to know when the foul occurred
Touchdown What’s the idea behind this? Again, it’s the free shot philosophy Situation #2 A 1/10 @ A-20 A illegal motion at the snap A1 throws a forward pass that is intercepted by B1 who runs for a touchdown Ruling: A’s motion foul must be declined for B to keep the touchdown Philosophy: A obviously is not getting away with anything by the illegal motion. Key is when the foul by A occurs
Touchdown On a change of possession, the foul by the opponents must occur after the change of possession for it to be eligible for a carry over: Situation #3 A 1/10 @ A-20 A1 throws a forward pass that is intercepted by B1 During B1’s run for a touchdown, A2 grabs and twists B1’s facemask Ruling: This foul occurred after the change of possession, so it can be carried over under the right circumstances What’s the idea behind this? Again, it’s the free shot philosophy
New for 2008 Touchdown carry overs can only be assessed on the try or the subsequent kickoff If there is no subsequent kickoff, only choice is the try
Subsequent Kickoff When do we have a touchdown and there is not a subsequent kickoff? If the touchdown occurred at the end of the 4th quarter and we go into OT If the touchdown occurs during any overtime series So, the carryover on a touchdown can be assessed on the subsequent kickoff at any time in regulation, other than the last timed down of the 4th quarter Otherwise, the only option is to assess it on the try
Change: Rule 3-3-4b was amended to clarify issues at the end of the half, and along with amendments to Rules 8-2-2 and 8-2-3, clearly stipulate that fouls by the opponent of the scoring team on the last timed down of the first half can carry over to the second-half kickoff, however fouls by the opponent of the scoring team on the last timed down of the second half cannot carry over to overtime. 16
Change: Rule 3-3-4b was amended to clarify issues at the end of the half, and along with amendments to Rules 8-2-2 and 8-2-3, clearly stipulate that fouls by the opponent of the scoring team on the last timed down of the first half can carry over to the second-half kickoff, however fouls by the opponent of the scoring team on the last timed down of the second half cannot carry over to overtime. 17
FOUL BY OPPONENT OF TEAM SCORING A TOUCHDOWN CHANGE OF POSSESSION? (COP) NO YES Enforce on the try or subsequent kickoff Foul occurs prior to COP Foul occurs after COP Must decline foul to take TD EITHER TEAM COMMITS LIVE BALL FOULS THAT ARE TREATED AS DEAD BALL FOULS (USC, NON-PLAYER) DURING A TOUCHDOWN Penalty enforced on the try
Situation #4 (8.2.2A): During (a) A9's run for a touchdown, or (b) K1's successful field goal, B2 holds A1. RULING: In (a), A will likely keep the score and may choose to enforce the foul on the try or enforce the foul on the subsequent kickoff. In (b), K may keep the points and have the penalty enforced from the succeeding spot, or have the penalty enforced from the previous spot and replay the down. (8-4-3)
Situation #5 (8.2.2B): On the last timed down of the 2nd period, Team A (a) scores a field goal or (b) a touchdown. In both cases, team B commits a live-ball foul. RULING: In (a), the offended team has the option to keep the score, with the penalty assessed on the 2nd half kickoff as this is the succeeding spot. In (b), the offended team has the option to keep the score, with penalty assessment on either the try or on the 2nd half kickoff as this would be the subsequent kickoff.
Situation #6 (8.2.2C) : On the last timed down of the 4th period, B fouls on a play where Team A (a) scores a touchdown that leaves Team A trailing by 1 point, (b) scores a field goal which ties the game, or (c) scores a touchdown that leaves team A trailing by one point and the opponents also foul on the try during the untimed down.
Situation #6 (8.2.2C) Ruling: (a) A has the option to keep the score, with the penalty assessed on the try. The penalty cannot be assessed on the first play of overtime as there is no subsequent kickoff. (b) A has the option to keep the score, with penalty assessment on the 1st play over overtime as the 1st play of overtime is the succeeding spot. (c) A may only have the penalty for the opponent’s foul on the scoring play enforced on the try but cannot carry over the penalty to overtime; however, the foul by the opponent during the try could be enforced on the 1st play of overtime at A’s choice.
Situation #7 (8.2.2D) : Prior to the ball being thrown during a play in which A1 catches a touchdown pass and advances for a touchdown, B1 holds A2 to prevent him from going out for a pass on the side away from the play. When given options, A elects to enforce the defensive holding foul on the subsequent kickoff. During the successful 2 point try, B1 is guilty of holding A1. Does A have the option of having the 10 yard penalty added on to the previous 10-yard foul on the subsequent kickoff? RULING: Yes. The fouls did not occur during the same down, so these are not considered multiple fouls and, therefore, they may both be enforced on the subsequent kickoff (8-3-5b, 10-2-4).
Situation #8 (8.2.2E) : During a touchdown run by A1, B1 holds. During the successful kick try, there is a foul by B2. RULING: If A accepts B’s holding foul, A may accept the score and attempt the try from the 1 ½ yard line or accept the score and have the penalty enforced on the subsequent kickoff. For a foul on the try, A may accept and replay the try on the ¾ yard line or accept the 1 point try and enforce B’s try foul on the subsequent kickoff. The captain of A may choose to have both fouls enforced on the subsequent kickoff.
Situation #9 (8.3.5A): During a kick try: (a) B1 holds and the try is successful; or (b) A1 holds and the try is successful; or (c) B1 roughs the kicker/holder and the try is unsuccessful. RULING: In (a), A may accept the score and have the penalty enforced from the succeeding spot on the kickoff or enforce it from the previous spot and replay the down. In (b), B undoubtedly will accept the penalty and replay. In (c), A obviously would accept the penalty and replay. (8-3-7; 10-5-2)
Situation #10 (8.3.5B): During a successful two-point try: (a) B1 roughs the passer; or (b) B2 holds tight end A8. RULING: In both (a) and (b), A may accept the score and have the penalty assessed from the succeeding spot.
Situation #11 (8.3.5C): During a successful two-point try, B1 is flagged for pass interference against A1. After the untimed down is over, A1 taunts B1. RULING: A may accept the score and have the penalty enforced at the succeeding spot. However, B may accept the penalty for the dead ball foul by A, and have 15 yards marked off from the spot where the ball is placed after enforcement of B's penalty. The ball would then be free-kicked from K's 40-yard line.
Situation #12 (8.4.3): With fourth and 5 from B's 18, K1's field-goal attempt is successful. B1 roughs the kicker/holder. RULING: K may accept the result of the play (3 points) and have the penalty enforced from the succeeding spot, or accept the penalty. If the penalty is accepted and K retains possession, it will be first and goal from R's 9-yard line. (9-4-4; 10-5-1f)
Situation #13 (10.5.2A): A leads 16-7 with little time remaining in the fourth period. A is deep in its own territory. A1 goes back to pass from his own end zone. A2 holds B1. A1's pass is intercepted and returned for a touchdown. The captain of B asks to refuse the score and penalize the holding foul which would result in a safety. In this case, B would have a chance to score a touchdown and 2-point try to win the game. RULING: The penalty for the holding foul may be accepted or declined.
Situation of the Week K 4/10 @ K-40. 7 seconds left to go in the period. K1 punts the ball, which is caught by R2 @ R-10. R2 proceeds to return the ball to the R-40, where he is downed. Umpire throws a flag for a block in the back (BIB) by R3 @ R-40. Discussion: What 2 things haven’t I told you? What period is it? When did the BIB occur? Why does it make a difference? Acceptance of the foul means the period is extended, which may or may not make a difference (it might if the game was tied and the situation occurred in the 4th period) There are 2 potential basic spots here PSK spot End of the run If this was a PSK foul, what are K’s choices? If this is not a PSK foul, what are K’s choices?
Our Mission: To know what the enforcement rules are for fouls during scoring situations and to demonstrate our knowledge of those rules by answering the situations correctly.