By: Nicole Farrell, Cara Accorso, Marissa Petta, Caitlyn Evershed Safety on the Internet MSTI 131 March 23, 2010 By: Nicole Farrell, Cara Accorso, Marissa Petta, Caitlyn Evershed
Advantages of Using Internet at Home and School Up to date information Accessible everywhere More student interaction More engaging Ex. clips/websites/games Keeps parents connected to class Accessible to classroom work and news
Concerns when Using the Internet at Home and School Sexual Predators Bullying Exposure to adult topics Student isolation from home and school Easy to cheat Sometimes inappropriate information is too accessible
What Parents Can Do To Help Monitoring computer time One computer in main area of home Software to protect kids at home Blocking websites Talk to children about risks Make computer time family time. Ex. Play games online together
What Educators Can Do To Help Educated students and parents Internet contract Exposure to good technology and utilizing in the classroom Ex. Smart Boards, Senteos Promote children-friendly search engines Ex. Yahooligans School can block sites Reward students with computer time
Websites for More Information on Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet Web Wise Kids A website about empowering today's youth to make wise choices online for the whole family. Web Safety 4 Kids A website geared more towards internet safety in schools. NetSmartz Educate, engage, and empower students of all ages about internet safety.
Remember TO ALWAYS USE SAFETY AND Caution WHILE ON THE INTERNET Remember TO ALWAYS USE SAFETY AND Caution WHILE ON THE INTERNET! Think before you click the link!!