Biologically Based Networks
Why? Modeling of brain function Model of very distributed parallel systems Existence proof for AI
William H. Calvin University of Washington in Seattle ‘The Cerebral Code” “Lingua Ex Machina”
Brain Operation as Darwinian Requires a complex pattern Pattern must be copied Variant patterns by chance Pattern and variant compete Competition based on multi faceted environment Most successful patterns survive
Structure Cortex is 6 layers A mosaic of hexagons Top three are internal Middle in input Bottom two area output A mosaic of hexagons Lots of feedback Can excite surrounding hexs
Language Language develops from a proto language Full language is structured into clauses and phrases Brains don’t do syntax! Parsing is by thematic roles 7 plus or minus 2
Igor Aleksander “Impossible Minds, My neurons, My consciousness” “Seeing is believing: Depictive Neuromodeling of Visual Awareness”
Igor Aleksander WISARD and MAGNUS Visual input by arrays of sensors Neural systems viewed as having a state transition form Iconic States Iconic states is the brain state upon perceiving an object
Input Z drives learning Atrophies in time
Build a simple creature
Vision Mechanisms Superior Colliculus – eye movement has direct input from the retina Vision path goes to V1, V2, V3 Extrastriate Cortex is selected areas of Cortex Pathway X is a hypothesis for this work
Neuro-Physical Model Extrastriate Areas Movable retinal projection Superior Colliculus Main Visual Pathway Movement Primary Areas (V1, V2, …) Extrastriate Areas Auditory Triggers Gaze Locking j Pathway X Non-ocular Motor Activity
Hypothesis Feedback loop in the preceding slide is a state machine with learning memory Recall of detail and shape is related to gaze locking signals
Experimental System 24 neural areas 30,000 neurons
Experimental System
Consciousness What is it? Descartes theater of them mind An answer to the wrong question?
Jeff Hawkens “On Intelligence”
Criterion Inclusion of time in the brain Feedback Physical Architecture must be part of the theory
Mountcastle Proposal The algorithm of the cortex is independent of an particular sense or function The brain uses the same mechanism for all!
State Machines The brain used state machine to sequence patterns of firing Short term memory Visual systems
Summary The brain is the prototype for intelligence Brain structure and brain function are being studied Can a symbol system compete with the brain? How does symbolic behavior arise from the neural level of the brain?