The Church Is Not Important


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Presentation transcript:

The Church Is Not Important Myths About The Bible The Church Is Not Important

What Is Meant By “Important”? Funk & Wagnall’s Standard Desk Dictionary: Having much significance, value, or influence; outstanding; great Deserving of special notice or attendance; noteworthy Having special relevance; mattering greatly”

Relationship Of Christ To Church Foundation (1 Cor. 3:11) Architect (Matt. 16:18) Savior (Eph. 5:23) Purchaser (Acts 20:28) Head (Eph. 1:22-23)

Relationship Of Church To Salvation Some think that by including the church in the scheme of salvation somehow “bumps” Christ out This is often the first objection raised — “Christ saves, not the church” The objection is, of course, false. However, the church is a part of the scheme of salvation

Yes, Jesus is Savior This fact is born out in Titus 2:3-4 This includes the concept that Christ died for the church (Eph. 5:25), that He purchased it with His own blood (Acts 20:28), and that He is the Savior of it (Eph. 5:23)

Genesis 7:1, 7, 23 Here we see that God would destroy life by a flood God commanded Noah to build an ark to save some The ark was not the savior, but you had to be in the ark in order to be saved

Exodus 12:22-23 They were to strike the door posts of their houses with blood They were to go inside these houses and remain there to be saved when death went through the land The house was not the savior, but you had to be in the house in order to be saved

Acts 2:47 God determined to save man from sin and commanded baptism (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21) These ones who are baptized are added to the church (Acts 2:41, 47, KJV) The church is not the savior, but you have to be in the church in order to be saved

Relationship Of Church To Christ Body (Col. 1:18) Kingdom (Col. 1:13; Rev. 1:9) House (1 Tim. 3:15) Temple (1 Cor. 3:16)