Reproductive Systems Mini REVIEW
The Least You Need to Know: STI’s Classifications & Examples Warning Signs High Risk Behaviors (How Spread) HIV/AIDS What Each Stands For How Spread/How Not Spread Body System(s) Affected Incubation/Opportunistic Infections
Stats The estimated total number of people living in the US with a viral STD/STI is over 65 million. Each year, one in four teens contracts an STD/STI Every year, there are at least 19 million new cases of STDs/STIs, some of which are curable. Over 6 million people acquire HPV each year, and by age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection.
STD Sentence Completions (Pretest) 1. When I hear the words Sexually Transmitted Disease, I think about/feel: 2. Various STDs include: (list all STDs you can think of) 3. The worst STD I could get would be ___________________ because: 4. The best way to avoid getting an STD is: 5. Other ways to avoid getting an STD might be: 6. Some common symptoms of STD could be: 7. If I thought I had an STD, I would: 8. If I thought my friend had an STD, I would: 9. If I tested positive for an STD, I would: When I hear the words Sexually Transmitted Disease, I think about/feel:
STIs Spread from person to person through sexual contact Infection is either bacterial, viral, or parasitic
What color hair does someone w/ an STI have? How tall are people with STI’s? Do most wear glasses? If you have an STI you wear a patch so people know…
How Spread? Spread during close sexual activity Vaginal Anal Oral Contact w/infected blood Skin-to-Skin?
High Risk Behaviors Being sexually active with more than 1 person Engaging in unprotected sex Selecting high-risk partners Alcohol/other drugs High Risk Behaviors
Signs & Symptoms Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina Pain when passing urine Unusual sores or blisters in the genital area Itching or irritation in the genital area Pain during intercourse
Sexual Activity in the Presence of STDs For women, being married and having a recent history of selling sex were both independently associated with having sex while symptomatic. One reason suggested for the lower rates of sex while symptomatic among men is that symptomatic STDs may be more painful for them. In addition, it is suggested that women do not have power over their sexual relationships. MANY STD’S HAVE NO __________ & _____________
Health Seeking Behavior and STDs Moses et al suggest that the tendency to delay seeking treatment probably reflects lack of knowledge about the importance of prompt treatment of STDs and women’s limited access to health facilities. WHY DO MANY INFECTED PEOPLE RESIST TREATMENT?
STDs are a Significant Problem The consequences of untreated STDs Ectopic pregnancy (7-10 times increased risk in women with history of PID) Increased risk of cervical cancer Chronic abdominal pain (18% of females with a history of PID) Infertility: 20-40% of males with untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea 55-85% of females with untreated PID Pass on to Infants?
Bacterial STIs Gonorrhea Chlamydia Syphilis CURABLE
Parasitic STIs Lice Scabies Trich CURABLE
Viral STIs TREATMENT VS. CURE Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Herpes TREATMENT VS. CURE
Gardasil Breakthrough The FDA has approved use of the vaccine, Gardasil, for use in girls and women ages 9 to 26. The proposed recommendations are to provide routine vaccination for 11-12 year-old girls Preventing infection by 4 strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Most prev. STD- >1/2 sexually active adults lifetime Protects against the two types of HPV responsible for about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. The vaccine also blocks infection by two other strains responsible for 90 percent of genital wart cases. More info