COMMON CORE The COMMON CORE state standards are a way to prepare students for the challenges of a constantly changing world – by learning the real-world.


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Presentation transcript:

COMMON CORE The COMMON CORE state standards are a way to prepare students for the challenges of a constantly changing world – by learning the real-world skills they need for career and college.

No matter where they live, all Wyoming students will receive a world-class education that is consistent from school to school, and graduate ready to contribute to the future of our state.

These new standards in reading, writing, and mathematics keep the best of what we have, but replace outdated ways of learning with a clear focus on the key knowledge and skills students need, and provide teachers the time to teach them well.

All students graduating from Wyoming public schools will have the skills and knowledge necessary to compete in and contribute to the 21st century, global economy.

COMMON CORE COMMON CORE state standards ensure that Wyoming students are learning the same content and skills as students from around the U.S. in the subject areas of reading, writing, and math.

COMMON CORE Whether they plan to go to college, workforce training, the military, or directly into a career, the COMMON CORE state standards are designed to prepare students for success in whatever they choose to do after graduation.

COMMON CORE The COMMON CORE state standards are aligned to international standards from countries with top-notch education programs to ensure our future generations are ready to compete in the global marketplace.

Communities across Wyoming will be stronger if students graduate with the skills and knowledge needed in todays job market.

Rigorous standards will enable businesses in Wyoming to draw from local talent to meet the needs of the continuously evolving workplace.

COMMON CORE The implementation of new COMMON CORE state standards, along with the efforts of high-quality and well-supported educators, has the potential to transform outcomes for Wyoming students.

As business leaders, civic leaders, parents, and voters, we can ask our local schools how we can help them as they work hard to reach even greater heights than before.

Business leaders and community members across Wyoming can help lay the groundwork for a smooth transition to the new standards and that is what makes Wyoming great!