France’s Empire -French areas of colonization -St. Lawrence River Valley (Atlantic to Great Lakes) -Quebec (North of NY, Maine) - Great Lakes -Louisiana -Interest in trading not colonizing FUR not farming -better relationship with Indians - Trading posts for Fur, or course -English colonists want to expand WESTWARD
France’s Empire -Indians resist British expansion and ally with French -France has an Old rivalry with Britain -multiple wars have been fought between French and English in past centuries Small wars, drawn out France remained Catholic while Britain became Protestant, thus they saw each other as heretics -1754 conflict ignites again as French begin building forts near Virginia border
French and Indian War AKA SEVEN YEARS’ WAR -Virginia Gov’t sends George Washington led militia against the French Great-Grandfather was British, father was slave-owner -The French and Indian allies (Iroquois and others) won many early battles Defeated Washington and others -Albany Plan of Union colonies debate forming central government
French and Indian War -Virginia Gov’t sends George Washington led militia against the French -The French and Indian allies won many early battles -Albany Plan of Union colonies debate forming central government Suggested by Ben Franklin 20 reps from Middle and New England Colonies Has effect on Articles of Confederation
French and Indian War -Victory at Quebec finally gave the British control of the region -turning point of the conflict -Treaty of Paris, 1763 -France lost all lands in America Lands to west became under Spanish control, then French got it back right before Louisiana Purchase in 1803
Problems after the War -Indians in the Ohio Valley revolt against British forts -conflicts were becoming costly for Britain Doubled Britain’s debt -Proclamation of 1763 stated that colonists could not cross the Appalachian Mtns To keep the natives content -Colonists ignored the law and continued to provoke Indians
Tensions Build -British heavily in debt because of war Doubled their debt -standing British Army in the colonies Expensive, also led to American Revolution -Trading restrictions established to levy duties (taxes) on certain products -smugglers avoid paying taxes
Tensions Build -writs of assistance Written order allowing British officials to search for smuggled goods, collect taxes, etc. Unlawful search and seizure (sound familiar?) -Sugar Act affected merchants and traders (led to revolution) Reduced the tax but increased enforcement so that colonists could not trade with France -protests began against taxation without representation James Otis- “Taxation without representation in tyranny”