Age of Exploration Map Key Part I: Label 1. Asia 2. North America 3. Europe 4. South America 5. Australia 6. East Indies 7. West Indies 8. Aztec Empire 9. 4 Oceans 10. Hudson Bay Age of Exploration Map Part II: Indicate routes taken by Columbus, da Gama, Magellan, Vespucci, and Dias. Use maps on pages 527,534, and 555. A. Shade in land claimed by Portuguese, British, French, and Spanish. Page 551. B. Make a key in the box. Key
Age of Exploration Chart - pages Columbus pgs. 553-554 Cook pg. 752 de Champlain pg. 561 de Gama pgs. 532-533 Magellan pgs. 534, 554 Zheng He pg. 537