Government Printing Works PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE FOR HOME AFFAIRS PERFORMANCE REPORT 2013/2014 Professor A D Mbewu Chief Executive Officer Celebrating 125 years
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT GPW in 2013/2014 succeeded in achieving or exceeding the targets for 37 of its 49 key performance indicators (76%). In many instances when a target was missed, the circumstances were beyond the control of GPW.
BRANCH : OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTION KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 1. New facilities Completed construction of secured facilities and re-location once new secured facilities are completed Renovation of Pavilion 3 commenced - 2. Modern equipment 3 items of equipment procured 3 items procured + ID documents or cards conform to clients’ specifications 100% confirm to specifications 100% conformity to specifications +
BRANCH: OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTION KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 4. ID Documents Turnaround time of less than 3.3 days Turnaround time 3.3 days - 5. Passports spoilage rate Maintain or reduce spoilage rate of less than 3% 1.7% of 656, 600 passports spoiled + 6. Examination scripts 100% of required number of scripts delivered within client-specified timeframe 100% of 21, 902, 988 scripts delivered within specified timeframe 7. Standard operating procedures Develop and maintain standard operating procedures for all security printing. No losses to theft. Achieved No losses to theft of security products
BRANCH : FINANCE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 8. Unqualified audit report Maintain unqualified audit opinion Unqualified audit opinion for 5th year running + 9. Reduction in audit findings Reduction in audit findings 8.3% reduction in related audit findings 10. Turnaround time in monthly financial management reports 10 days 9 days 11. Turnaround time in performance reports 30 days 16
BRANCH : FINANCE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 12. Revenue – rand value R1,216,473 value of revenue R780,659 value of revenue - 13. Operating cost as a percentage of revenue 19.4% 25.2% 14. Gross profit margin 27.4% 35.9% + 15. Debtor collection period 60 days 77 days _ 16. HDI procurement 20% 18%
BRANCH : FINANCE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 17. Inventory turnover rate 2.5 days 8.8 days + 18. SCM policy Revised and approved Revised and approved 19. Investment in additional production assets R350 888 000 R41 657 000 _ 20. Return on capital investment 27.9% 44%
BRANCH : HUMAN RESOURCES KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 21. Human resources plan Implemented human resources plan. Achieved + 22. Job descriptions and job evaluation Revised job descriptions and evaluation 100% achieved 23. Migration plan Implemented migration plan Not achieved _ 24. Filling of posts 5Filled posts in accordance with staffing plan 5 of 14 management posts filled 25. GPW training academy Implement -
BRANCH : HUMAN RESOURCES KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 26. Training days per employee 3 training days per employee 1 842 training days provided (3 per employee) + 27. Special remuneration dispensation Completed submission for special remuneration Achieved 28. Human resources policies Approved and implemented human resources policies All 6 outstanding human resources policies
MARKETING BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 29. e-Gazette system Implement, review and refine e-Gazette system Achieved + 30. Public web project Review and refine public web project 31. Call Centre Establish and implement call centre Not achieved _ 32. Development and implementation of brand (and logo) Brand in place 33. Government Gazette 100% Government Gazettes published according to quality and delivery specifications 99.96% of the 2,573 editions published according to specifications
MARKETING BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 34. Brand and logo Develop brand (and logo) Developed + 35. Product diversification One new product developed 4 new products developed 36. Marketing Strategy Completed and approved marketing strategy Achieved
INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 37. Systems avaialbility System availability > 98% 99.3% systems availability achieved + 38. Major incidents Impact Less than 5 major incidents Less than 300 minutes of impact One incident 195 minutes of impact 39. Secure ICT environment Zero security breaches Achieved 40. Mitigation of ICT risks > 98% mitigated 100% mitigated 41. Ubumbano Project (ERP) Review and refine Dynamix AX and Hiflex
INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 41. Mitigation of AGSA findings All findings mitigated Two of three mitigation activities have been completed. _ 42. Mean time to respond to call < 4 hours + 43. Mean time to resolve < 48 hours 25.3 hours 44. Percentage of calls resolved within SLA > 90% > 95%
INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 45. Percentage of ICT staff attended ICT service management training > 99% attended 99% + 46. Consolidation of ICT services 100% of initiatives implemented 100% 47. Implementation of BCM 80% implemented
INTERNAL AUDIT BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 48. Percentage of risk- based internal audit plan completed 100% 73% of internal audits identified were completed + SECURITY BUSINESS UNIT KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE TARGET ACHIEVED +/- 49. Security risk management plan Implemented Security risk management plan not implemented -