Hardt, On ignoring history Early Models: Bullet/Hypodermic model Lasswell: Functional analysis Shannon-Weaver: Mathematical (sender-receiver) 1940s: Lasswell and U of Chicago: Sociological approach PRAGMATISM/CRITICAL (Internal) 1940S: Berelson: with Lazarsfeld, Hovland: Scientific approach SCIENTIFIC/QUANTITATIVE/BEHAVIORAL Lazarsfeld: Propaganda and Advertising Analyses Administrative Research Critical Research Smythe: What about the role of cultural praxis?
The Origins of Mass Communication Research Master Trends in Society (19th/20th centuries) Industrialization Growth of labor force Factory system Corporations Bureaucracy Urbanization Growth of cities (decline in rural areas) Bringing different peoples together Modernization Innovations More social differentiation Media (inter)dependence Development of Statistical Methodologies Needed as the basis for behavioral research