Ancient Civilizations of Latin America B.C.E. (B.C.= Before Christ) stands for "Before the Common Era" when we are discussing historic timelines. C.E. (A.D.= After Death of Christ) stands for "Common Era" when we are discussing historic timelines. The western calendar is measured starting with his birth, meaning he was born in the year 0. However, most scholars and historians now agree that he was likely born several years before. Agenda Ancient Cultures
Early Human Migrations
The Mayans
Who were the Maya? Where? Southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala When? 1000BC to about 1000AD What kind of people? Small city states, farmers and traders. Mathematicians- Invented the 0 in 36BC, before most people. Astronomers- Maya calendar is still accurate, very complex. Advanced cities - Chichen Itza, Tulum, Palenque, Tikal What happened to Maya? Overpopulated cities collapsed Survivors dispersed throughout Central America Culture diffused because of trade and military alliances Unlike the relatively centralized Aztec and Inca empires, the Maya civilization was a loose aggregation of city-states.
Lands of the Mayans The Yucatan Peninsula
Chichen-Itza - Pyramid
Chichen-Itza - Observatory
Chichen-Itza - Ball Court
Overview of Tikal (Guatemala) Temple of the Masks
Tikal Jungle View at Sunset
Tikal - Main Court
Tikal: Temple of the Masks – Guatemala For more info. click here
Mayan Glyphs sky king house child city Mayan Mathematics
Mayan Glyphs
The Aztecs
Who were the Aztec? Where Central Mexico Capital city was Tenochtitlan, on Lake Texcoco. When? 1300AD to 1500AD What kind of people? Hierarchical society 1. Emperor 2. Nobles 3. Warriors 4. Farmers 5. Slaves Empire centered on war and religious sacrifice What happened to Aztecs? Defeated by Hernan de Cortez (Spanish) in 1519, with native allies Most Aztecs later died from European diseases, such as Smallpox Mestizo- Interbreeding made a new Mexican “race”, ½ Indian ½ Spanish.
Lands of the Aztecs