Impact of next generation display technologies on medical image viewing applications Fahad Zafar, Mina Choi, Joel Wang, Peter Liu, Wei Chung, Aldo Badano
Methods for estimating the perceptual limits of mobile displays The quality of the displayed image in mobile devices is affected by the varying ambient illumination conditions Determining appropriate viewing conditions for particular visual tasks requires appropriate instrumentation. However, visual tests can be more practical.
Analyzing Mobile Devices and techniques for Clinical Practices Mobile image viewing applications have advantages and limitations Lower is better VS Non StaticStatic VS Device #2Device #1
DENOTE Other tests include search tasks 9E8b 5Rd2 T7sP 4s3r C2Mp
Mobile Displays for Medical Imaging Applications Other Issues Touch Screen degradation Battery Tablet Devices Network Speed (viewing remote images) Are visual tests useful surrogates for (il)luminance measurements for determining appropriate viewing conditions for reading medical images in mobile devices? Not all mobile devices can be used for such applications Users need to pass visual tests that are particle and take into account ambient lighting conditions Viewing Angle matters Image Resolution is restricted, pan and zoom required for high resolution image viewing
What is Stereoscopic 3D ? Image Reference:
Stereoscopic methods for volumetric medical image datasets Studies show that stereoscopic 3D viewing for static image pairs can increase classification performance. Studies also show that stereoscopic 3D cause head aches, eye strain Reports of vomiting by observers playing 3D video games (SPIE 2011) 3D viewing more engaging and stressful (SPIE 2011) Some people see no difference in stereo image pairs due to stereo blindness. Radiologists might need to pass an initial test before they use the technology.
3D Stereoscopic Viewing for Radiologists Doing this in real time needs computing power. (GPUs have the potential) No research exists for Multi- view stereoscopic viewing from projection data
Evaluate 3D displays Why is the problem hard ? Deal with 2 images at the same time instead of 1 (which is the case for current CRT, LCD panels) 3D devices are becoming more common. Human reader studies for every device is not an easy task. Using Model Observers Using SIFT feature analysis to automatically determine differences Use an eye model (increases complexity)
Research Issues Do 3D displays improve detection performance? Some studies suggest improvements while other suggest eye strain, head aches etc. New area for research, a lot of questions need to be answered. 3D TV, 3D mobile devices already in the market. How to evaluate 3D displays for regulatory review? Depends on the 3D technology (Anaglyph, passive, active, multi-view 3D etc.) Need mathematical models for each to understand limitations of each technology. Time sequential : High Resolution120 Hz monitor Lenticular = lower resolution 60 Hz monitor Twice the images, twice the computing