All though this slide indicates up to 2011 not much has changed All though this slide indicates up to 2011 not much has changed! Global membership numbers currently stand at just over 1.2 million - relatively flat - and that the shift from west to east is absolutely continuing. In our District over the last 5 years; - we have lost (terminated) 1,167 members, and - we have a net loss of 1951-1784 = 167 members. - that implies 1,000 new members were inducted in that 5-year period
There are different ways of approach and different ways of thinking for the same situation ……. The conclusion you get is always the way you think…… Every one will be right in one or the other perspective of think With the changes with Council of Legislation we can look at membership differently.
What does your Rotary Club Membership look like in 2027? How many members? What is the gender balance? What age groups are part of the membership? How have we addressed gaps that existed in the past? Describe how your club is innovative and flexible? This can either be discussed with the entire group or break into tables discussion and return to share.
We are all part of growing Membership!
What is my role with our club’s Membership? Share your Rotary story, Why did you join, What keeps you as part of Rotary. Good opportunity to ask the group these questions and have them share their story and what keeps them engaged.
Share your clubs stories and pictures Facebook provides opportunity for you to share the great things your club is doing, Share what Rotary is doing outside your community. When you like and share, your friends will want to know more about Rotary. Let people know that you are a rotarian and proud of what we accomplish!
What role is available for new members? Make sure you have a need for new members and specifically how will that become involved!
Engagement vs Attendance! Engaged Rotary advocates attract and propose an average of 5.4 more new members than the average club member, Retaining members starts with the initial contact, continues until the relationship ends, and is directly related to: The way the club engages and communicates with its members, and the reputation in the community. Engaging members is more than involving them in programs and activities. Informed members expect this. Engaging members is about exceeding their expectations to the point where they become advocates. Engagement is the important piece of retention and with engagement you will have individuals who will ask others to come and help with a project, fundraising or maybe a fellowship event.
Corporate Membership Logo display on your Rotary Club website Corporate office Lunch sponsor promote business or sponsor networking event Sponsor recognition on banners displayed at meetings, fundraiser and other events Facebook promotion Recognition in club newsletter Corporate membership is one opportunity for clubs to attract corporations and help with growing membership. Recognizing the growing importance that corporations place on corporate social responsibility, Clubs creating corporate memberships. Corporate memberships invite corporations to participate in giving back to the community through the well-organized systems and structures of Rotary. Membership in Rotary offers an excellent vehicle for staff leadership development. We provide a medium to learn about community needs in a variety of areas, and learn about and participate in fundraising and volunteering in ways that truly impact the community. Also opportunity to promote your business at club functions and at your place of business.
Ready to sponsor a Satellite Club? Is there a age or ethnic group not part of your club? Satellite clubs provide for alternative meeting times, structure, club style to meet a group of individual needs. They are part of the sponsor club and engage in projects, fellowship and other activities. Ready to sponsor a Satellite Club?
Membership Development Plan Tools available at Membership Assessment Tools Creating your Membership Plan Support from Dynamic Duo! We are here to help and want to engage your club in putting plans together!
Let’s Change the world together! We all have our reasons for joining Rotary however once we are engaged, Rotary Changes Us! Let’s Change the world together!