Mr Fundisile Mketeni: Chief Executive Officer (SANParks) 2nd & 3rd Quarter Performance Report, Audit Matters and Financial Position Mr Fundisile Mketeni: Chief Executive Officer (SANParks)
Presentation Content Vision and Mission High Level Structure 2015/16 SANParks Strategy Map Performance Dashboard 2015/16 Financial Performance Update on IT Governance Model
A Sustainable National Park System Connecting Society SANParks Vision and Mission Vision A Sustainable National Park System Connecting Society Mission To develop, expand, manage and promote a system of sustainable national parks that represents biodiversity and heritage assets, through innovation and best practice for the just and equitable benefit of current and future generations
Performance Reporting Framework SANParks Performance Reporting Framework is based on both the National Treasury and DPME Framework, expanded to address requirements of the Board. Although SANParks operates as an independent SOE, its strategic and operational performance are mainly influenced by is legislative and public obligations; Government MTSF priorities and DEA medium strategic goals, in addition to its Board’s corporate governance directives.
2015/16 Strategy Map Although this the Strategy as it was tabled by the Honourable Minister Edna Molewa on the 11 March 2015, please note that the Strategy is currently under review so that is closely aligned to: Government's Radical Socio-Economic Transformation agenda; and DEA's transitioning Tia Green and inclusive Economic imperatives; and Government Responsible Tourism Strategy
2nd & 3rd Quarters Performanc 2015/16 2nd & 3rd Quarters Performanc
Birds-eye view on performance ytd
Legend Target achieved or exceeded - Good Performance Work in Progress Target not achieved No target planned for reporting period Indicator / Target amended at mid-year
Quarter 2 Progress
Quarter 3 Progress
SO 1: Optimised Economic Contribution ThroughTourism and Associated Activities Performance indicators Baseline (2014-15 Perform) Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Budget Variance (Income) Budget Variance (Expenditure) 1:1 Break even -1.5% 1,12:1 None Gross / Operating Tourism Revenue (YoY) 7.5% 11% 10.5% 9.9% 9,2% Challenge Declining visitor resulted in a 0.63% (equivalent to R1.665 million) less income realised from conservation fees; Sluggish economy Corrective Easter falling in fin year; diversification – not relying overly on KNP and attracting new markets Total Number of Revenue Generating Products Implemented 5 7 1
Performance Dashboard SO 1: Optimised Economic Contribution ThroughTourism and Associated Activities Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Fundraising Policy & Strategy Developed and Implemented New 100% 75% 60.0% None Accommodation Occupancy 69.9% 72.50% 74.0% 75.8% 75.9% Customer Satisfaction Index 80.2% 82% 82.0% 82.1% 82.2% Total Number of Visitors to National Parks 5235 095 5600 000 3,349,584 2 405 279 4207320
Implementation of the corrective actions per park SO 2: Enhanced Conservation and Ecological Integrity of National Parks System Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures METT Score 60.0% 70.0% Implementation of the corrective actions per park 74.0% None Total hectors of land rehabilitated / restored (Initial) (ha) 50,836 33,368 25,026 Total hectors of land rehabilitated / restored (Follow-up) (ha) 206,299 (ha) 202,694 152,021 93 609 177 301 Total hectors of land rehabilitated / restored (Wetlands) (m³) 16,823m³ 6,508 2,603 4 417 Total Area Added to National Parks (Terrestrial) (ha) 3 715 ha 3715 (ha) 0 ha
SO 2: Enhanced Conservation and Ecological Integrity of National Parks System Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Total Area Added to National Parks (Marine) (km2) 0 ha None Total Number of Park Management Plans Reviewed and Submitted 2 Completed draft lower level plans for both parks. Total Number of Species Protection Interventions Implemented New 6 5 as per schedule 3 5 Interventions all on target
SO 2: Enhanced Conservation and Ecological Integrity of National Parks System Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Cultural Heritage Interventions Implemented 5 2 4 None % of new research projects relevant to SANParks key issues 72.0% 73.0% 72.5% 76.0% 75.6% Total Number of Peer Reviewed Research Publications 15 20 23 31
SO 3:Optimised Socio-economic Beneficiation Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Free Access Entrants 18 100 18 200 53 028 None Total Number of Environmental Education Impact Assessment Tools Developed. 3 2 1 Total Number of Participants in Environmental Education Programme 180 600 185 600 139 200 89 601 133 453 Challenges: DBE Policy restricting Extra-curicular activities outside school grounds during schooling hours Corrective measures: Enhance holiday programmes, Engage DBE to align Total Number of Full-time Equivalent Jobs Created (EPWP) 5, 686 7 942 4 691 2 627 4 422 Delays in approval of business plans Budget cuts Management capacity in Garden Route EPWP
SO 3:Optimised Socio-economic Beneficiation Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Corrective measures: Interventions in management systems to improve efficiency Management positions in GNP prioritised Total Number of Full-time Equivalent Jobs Created (Other) New 196 150 105 144 Challenges: This is groen sebenza & SANParks interns Number of interns left programme due to full time employment Full time employment encouraged. Numbers to stabilise toward end of year instead of increase Total Number of temporary Jobs Created through Socio-economic initiatives 50 40 44 None
SO 3:Optimised Socio-economic Beneficiation Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of SMMEs / Enterprises Supported 665 501 482 615 780 None Number Community Contractual Agreements in Place 4 5 1 Progress: Contractual Park Agreement with Richtersveld Community, agreed in principle. Bevhula/ Gidjani: Ecological assessment done; Community Trust establishment commenced; EPWP funded rehabilitation under way. Mjejane: Several conflict resolution interventions beneficiary list is developed. The Community Trust is to be established. Nkambeni: Ecological assessment concluded. Community Trust establishment commenced. EPWP funded land rehabilitation commenced. Mdluli: litigations have been resolved. Benefit products identified. Khomani San: Game donations finalised Challenges: Time consuming negotiations Legal process to establish Community Trsusts Litigation (Mdluli) Conflict resolution (Mjejane) Corrective measures: Leverage goodwill created towards SANParks to expedite concluding community agreements
SO 4:Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Total Number of Proactive Media Engagements (Articles) 10 25 15 50 69 None Total Number of Proactive Media Engagements (Media Events) 14 9 8 12 Media Reputation Rating New 95% >95% 99%
SO 5: Effective and Efficient Corporate Governance Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Auditor General Audit Report Unqualified with no other methods None % progress against Risk Response Plan New High = 90% Medium = 70% Low= 20% High =60% Medium =50% Low =30% 45% 40% 30% % Compliance with Governance Requirements 75.0% 100% 80% Total Number of ICT Strategy Initiatives Implemented per Schedule 1 75% completion
SO 6: Strengthened Human Capital and Management Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures Black as % of Management 55% 57% 56.5% 54.9% Challenges: Resignation of black managers Corrective measures: Recruitment policy amended EE and succession plan to be reviewed Women as % of Management 34% 50% 41.0% 41.4% 35.1% Original target met and exceeded; target increased upwards to be aligned with National Targets; Insufficient vacancies to meet target Corrective measures: Recruitment policy and procedure amended; Women Forum launch – making SANParks attractive for professional woman
SO 6: Strengthened Human Capital and Management Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures People with Disabilities 0.9 2% 1.8% 1.3% Challenges: Nature of work limit categories of disabilities Universal access standards in work place not yet achieved Corrective measures: Continue with declaration drive Identify ring-fence posts Engage organised structures Total Male: Female Ratio 1,8:1 1,79:1 1.79:1 None % of Employees Meeting Minimum Educational Requirements (C and Upper) 93% 94% 65.0% 95.0%
SO 6: Strengthened Human Capital and Management Performance indicators Baseline 2014-15 Annual Performance Annual Target 2015-16 Quarterly Target (Q3) Q2 Q3 Challenges / Corrective measures % of Performance Appraisals Completed (C and Upper) 80% 100% 46% Challenges: Delay in roll out of new performance system include CMC, Manual reporting systems Corrective measures: PM Training Individual follow-up % Success Rate at CCMA 85% None % progress against implementation of Skills Development Programme 82% 65% Internal processes (training committee functioning) Skills development Plan approval prior to commencement of financial year
STAFF DEMOGRAPHICS Male Female TOTAL % of Staff Establishment AFRICANS Status Quo at end of Q3 Male Female TOTAL % of Staff Establishment AFRICANS 1985 1049 3034 75.5% WHITE 168 131 299 7.4% INDIAN 10 7 17 0.4% COLORED 413 249 662 16.5% FOREIGNERS 3 2 5 0.1% TOTAL: 2579 1438 4017 100% PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 36 15 51 1.3%
Financial or Trading Position
Statement of Financial Performance
Statement of Financial Position
SANParks Operating Surplus / (Deficit) Quarterly performance is based on management accounts incremental per month Indicator Budget R ‘000 Actual Variance % Total Income R 1 521 021 R 1 839 702 20.95% R 318 681 Total Expenses R 1 355 851 R 1 657 184 22.22% R 301 333 Bottom Line surplus R 165 170 R 182 518 10.50% R 17 348 CFO please populate
Update on IT Governance Model A Governance improvement programme was developed. Relevant COBIT processes were grouped together into five (5) Programme Objectives as follows:
Update on IT Governance Model Progress to date: Governance and Strategy ICT Governance Framework Policy completed and approved by Board, and is currently being implemented Charters for IT Steering Committee and IT Portfolio Planning Committee adopted and approved by EXCO, and are currently being implemented Risk and Security Management: ICT Security Policy and Implementation Plan developed, and are currently being implemented Development of Comprehensive Information Security Plan to commence March 2016 Business Continuity Plan development will commence March 2016 ICT Continuity Plan approved by EXCO and is currently being implemented Operations Management Operations management well established and governed Supplier management principles well established and governed SCM policies evaluated for compliance with COBIT standards
Update on IT Governance Model Progress to date: Portfolio, Programme and Project Management IT Project Management Office (PMO) re-established, to be operational by March 2016 Value Management office being considered, initially part of PMO Change enablement All encompassing practice addressing all areas of business of which IT is only one element To mature in SANParks in 2016/17 financial year In the interim, any new IT system implementation is done together with business and appropriate training for staff members
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