Time Keeper: The Time Awareness System Empowering people to live their priorities.
Is this familiar… Your project is due in two hours… You haven’t started Do you blame your course load, slashdot, or Facebook?
Problem Where you spend you time is the true assessment of you priorities. Analyzing where the majority of your time goes is one of the best measures of where your true priorities lie. People are constantly busy, yet rarely intentionally spend their time. In addition, finding time to reassess your priorities is difficult when you are already busy.
Solution: Time Keeper User-defined categories of how one spends their time (e.g. commuting, class, studying, family, eating, etc.). Users enters how fine-grained time (e.g. 15 minutes) intervals of each day are spent. Provide up-to-date feedback and analysis of how one is spending their time.
Users Students—TK will enable students to better balance a heavy course load. Parents—TK will show parents where they can alter their busy schedules to spend more time with their families. Professors—TK will help professors manage their time to enable them to be effective in their teaching and their research.
Development Challenges Relies on user input for data collection.
Making It Easy Web based Cell phone entry Email entry Calendar software integration Thought download…. (if we have time)