Welcome to Longhorn Round-Up at Nolan Ryan Junior High
Welcome to Nolan Ryan Junior High 5th Grade Parent Night Informational Meeting with Administrators and Counselors Band Orchestra Choir Art and Theater Arts Advanced Academics
Sixth-Grade Electives Beginning Choir Beginning Band Art / Theater Arts Orchestra Students in 6th grade have a choice of electives. They may choose beginning choir, band, art/theater arts, or AVID.
Mr. Beau Hunter- bjhunter@alvinisd.net Band Directors: Mr. Beau Hunter- bjhunter@alvinisd.net Mr. Wayne Steinke – wsteinke@alvinisd.net
Dance Foundations Class Mrs. Durio Ballet, jazz, modern, lyrical, hip hop Performances are required for credit. Fee applies (not more than $50)
Theatre Arts Diverse Class Levels Great Opportunities Beginning Theatre Arts Theatre I Theatre II – performance emphasis Tech Theatre Production UIL One Act Play Drama Club Dickinson Drama Festival Renaissance Festival West Side Variety Showcase Spring Shows Check out the Longhorn Theatre Handbook on the Theatre Page of the NRJH Website for more in depth information regarding classes and the Theatre Arts program!
Nolan Ryan Longhorn Choir Choir Director: Howard Solis- hsolisgarcia@alvinisd.net Longhorn Choir @NRJHLonghornChoir Longhorn Choir @LonghornChoir Nolan Ryan Longhorn Choir @NRJHLonghornChoir
Art Maria Carlo mcarlo@alvinisd.net Lauren Luna lluna@alvinisd.net
Ms. Leticia Fuentes-lfuentes@alvinisd.net Orchestra Directors: Ms. Leticia Fuentes-lfuentes@alvinisd.net Mrs. Stacy Weill- sweill@alvinisd.net
Welcome to Junior High! Classes approximately 50 minutes 4 minutes between bells More freedom, more responsibility We encourage you to stay involved, ask questions, volunteer when you can Sign up for Skyward Parent Access (view grades, attendance, receive email alerts about grades)
NRJH Counselors and Advanced Academics Melanie Gordon Counselor A-L mrgordon@alvinisd.net Amosha Creswell Counselor M-Z acreswell@alvinisd.net Jessica Smith Advanced Academics Specialist jlsmith@alvinisd.net
Advanced Academics On level Pre-AP MAP 6th grade material at a 6th grade pace 6th grade material at a faster/ rigorous pace More in depth study of concepts. *Math is a year above grade level and not opt-in Concepts are learned above grade level or in an integrated fashion at an advanced and rigorous pace. * Students are tested to participate in the MAP program
Language Arts 6 Pre-AP Summer reading is REQUIRED before the first day of school for students enrolled in Language Arts Pre-AP. Elementary Language Arts teachers will provide the assignment to students.
GPA Points in Junior High Currently, junior high students who earn credit for high school courses receive the corresponding GPA points for the course. With the revised Alvin ISD local policy, our students, beginning with next year 's 6th graders (Class of 2025), will still earn credit for high school courses taken in junior high but will not receive the GPA points. All GPA calculations will start for students when they enter high school.
What if my student wants to change a class after the first day of school? Schedules changes are not common after the first day of school. A schedule change may be considered only if an error is detected or to equalize class sizes. Schedules changes will not be considered after the first week of school.
Thank you for attending our Longhorn Round-Up! If you have questions please complete a questionnaire card and leave it for the counselors or advanced academics