Vocabulary Words World Literature Week 13
Flagrant Bob showed a flagrant disregard for traffic laws when he sped through the school zone without slowing down.
Flagrant Definition: adj.—glaringly bad; notorious, outrageous Synonym: blatant, scandalous, shameless Antonym: covert
Bias Everyone saw the obvious bias in choosing teams for soccer when all of the girls were picked last.
Bias Definition: n.—prejudice or personal tendency Synonym: preference, partiality, favoritism Antonym: impartiality
Fluctuate The price of gas seems to fluctuate so much that I decided to just fill my tank and not worry about the cost.
Fluctuate Synonym: vary, alter, vacillate, waver Antonym: standardize Definition: v.—to change irregularly Synonym: vary, alter, vacillate, waver Antonym: standardize
Clangor On our field trip to the fire station, the clangor of the fire alarm call startled many students who covered their ears from the noise.
Clangor Definition: n.—a loud ringing sound Synonym: peal, tolling, din, chime Antonym: slack
Wheedle Jenny was able to wheedle her way into the exclusive party by flirting with the bouncer.
Wheedle Definition: n.—to coax; to influence by using flattery Synonym: cajole, charm, persuade Antonym: bully
Enjoin The doctor enjoined Harry to eat a healthier diet or risk a heart attack.
Enjoin Definition: v.—to command, especially in law; to forbid or prohibit Synonym: order, charge, instruct Antonym: forbid
Abdicate After the news reported Eliot Spitzer’s scandal, he was forced to abdicate his office as governor of New York.
Abdicate Definition: v.—to renounce or give up Synonym: resign, abandon, relinquish Antonym: accept
Sardonic Mary was so upset when David broke up with her, she acted in such a sardonic manner towards all of the other guys that no one wanted to talk to her.
Sardonic Definition: adj.—bitter, sarcastic; scornful Synonym: mocking, derisive, scathing Antonym: sincere
Naïve David was very naïve to believe Betty’s claim that school was cancelled due to snow in the middle of September.
Naïve Definition: adj.—simple; inexperienced Synonym: trusting, innocent, childlike, ingenuous Antonym: suspicious
Odious We were shocked by the odious graffiti that some horrible vandals scrawled on our school’s walls.
Odious Definition: adj.—hateful; disgusting; detestable Synonym: horrible, abhorrent, loathsome Antonym: delightful