MR. R. BERGMAN Office: 220 Prep: Period 4 CHA3UB and CHC2DB (nerd…….)
What The Hell is CHC2DB Pre-IB- The IB curriculum begins in Grade 11- however the skill set/knowledge base must begin earlier Skills, skills and more skills Canadian History CHC2D + IB skills set= CHC2DB Suffering
WHAT WILL WE LEARN? Canada before the Great War Urbanization Immigration Nationalism (??) Canada 1914- 1929 Causes of the Great War (perspectives of the causes) The Experience and contribution of Canadians Impact of the war on Canada The Roaring Twenties (for whom exactly?)
What WILL WE Learn? Canada 1929- 1945 The Great Depression Impact of economic depression worldwide Rise of alternative Politics World War II Canada 1945- 1982 Living in the nuclear age The Cold War Creation of the middle class- consumerism- suburbia Canadian identity
EVALUATION Termwork 70% Final Exam 30% Daily activities Unit tests Independent writing tasks Essays Historical Investigation- IB Expectation Demonstrating understanding Final Exam 30%
THE TYPICAL GRADE 10 ACADEMIC/PP STUDENT Attendance Communication with your teacher Deadlines Respectful and Mature Suffering Constant checking of the course website- keep up to date
LET US BEGIN- WHY HISTORY MATTERS History is abused (movies) YOU are history- what have you left behind today Canadian Identity- people all over the world identify you with Canada because of what happened in the past- what will people think in the future? History is what we use to make sure that we get things right- Donald Trump is not an historian, Trudeau is not a historian, Hitler was not a historian And yet these people (and others) claim they know what is right- history allows us to study the perspectives, causes, consequences, changes and continuations that make us who we are
Time to Kahoot- Game Time Time to Kahoot-
Concepts Chronological History Thematic History (Anastaksis) Conceptual History Historical Significance Historical Perspective Cause and Consequence Change and Continuity
Top Ten Most Important Moments of all time…and GO Quick!! Top Ten Most Important Moments of all time…and GO
So What? If History is fun in any way it is when very controversial questions are asked…and you use lists! You are all relatively the generation who has grown up in the 21st century…congrats So, two tasks- look at the list, try to label the year the event occurred….then rank the ten most SIGNIFICANT events….that word is in capitals for a reason.
What History do we Study? What we choose to study changes history Imagine if we did the same activity in another country, or if another time period What we think is significant now might not be as significant in the future and vice versa The Skills of history- at the root is knowledge- what we know changes how we learn therefore we better understand why/how we know certain things
MARCO POLO’S UNICORN Marco Polo- 13th century Italian explorer- recorded his travels across Asia to China and back Came across numerous animals and sights he had never seen before and didn’t understand. His recordings show us how we think of things within our own known perspectives
MARCO POLO’S UNICORN “unicorns are scarcely smaller than elephants. They have hair of a buffalo and a single large black horn in the middle of the forehead. They are very ugly brutes to look at…not at all as we describe them to be…” What was he looking at, that he thought was a unicorn?
THE POINT IS… Marco Polo used what he knew to understand what he didn’t know As historians we cannot put our present ideas into the events and minds of the past We must be open minded, critical and we must READ