They are each fantastically dysfunctional in their own ways! Families They are each fantastically dysfunctional in their own ways!
What makes a family? Are there certain ways families should look? Does a family need a certain number of people to be called a family? Does everyone have to have the same last name? What are your thoughts? Think about it… share with your neighbor… share with the class!
What makes a FAMILY?!?! FAMILY – a group of two or more people who are related by birth, marriage, adoption, or other circumstances. When we think of family we think of the people whom we live in the same house with. However, a family includes relatives who do not live in the same house. Family of Origin – Includes the family members with whom you lived during your childhood.
How are families formed? The 3 most common ways include: Most obvious way is by BIRTH! You are born into a family. Marriage Adoption There are other circumstances that can bring people together to form a family.
BY BIRTH A baby is biologically related to the man and woman who gave him or her life. Known as your biological parents or your birthparents. The baby is also related to members of the biological parents’ families. Brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. You will always be related to your biological parents’ families, even if they are not your family of origin. For example: If you are adopted your family of origin would include your adoptive family.
BY MARRIAGE People become related to one another by marriage. When a man and women marry they create a new family. This family unit is separate, but still connected to, their family of origin. Marriage is the foundation of a family. Is that foundation always strong, secure, and supportive? Couples may or may not choose to add children to their new family. Marriage can create other relationships. Stepchild – stepparent relationships can be formed.
BY ADOPTION Adoption - the process of transferring a child’s legal guardianship from his or her birthparents to the adoptive parents. Reasons why people choose adoption – 1.) Unable to conceive children. 2.) One spouse may have a hereditary condition. 3.) Offer a loving home to children who need one!
The Adoption Process Different laws depending on what state you live in. Must go through an extensive screening process: Interviews Criminal background checks Home study Agency visits the adoptive parents’ home to ensure there is enough room and a safe environment. May have to wait a long time before being matched with a child. International adoptions may be quicker, but may be more expensive. (Think about all the traveling.) Adopting older children is also a much shorter wait.
Other Ways Families are Formed: Some children are raised by non-related adults. Example: Both parents are killed in a car accident, close adult friends of the family might raise the child. Should the adult and the child be considered a family? Why or why not? Foster Families Provide a temporary home for a child who needs one. Basically it is a substitute family. Most children placed in foster care have been abused, abandoned, or neglected. Foster Homes – evaluated and licensed by the state. Placements are made by state or county child welfare offices.
Foster Families Continued… Foster families volunteer their time, effort, and love. They are reimbursed for the children’s expenses. Example: food, clothing, medical care costs. Can last anywhere from a short time to several years. Can be a huge challenge. For both the foster parents and the children being placed.