Team 7- SCRIPTONOMICS Advanced movie script analytics made simple TRR ARB PRESENTATION
AGENDA Operational Concept Overview and Transition Strategy Product Demo Quality Assurance – Testing Quality Control and Metrics Transition and Support Plan
SYSTEM PURPOSE The Scriptonomics Blog is primarily dedicated to funneling Users to the Scriptonomics website by providing articles which demonstrate the kind of analytics and insights available by using the Scriptonomics website. The aspects of the blog include: Allows users to view posts. Like, share and express feedback on the posts.
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS ID CAPABILITY DESCRIPTION PRIORITY 1 OC-1 View blog post: Allow a user to view all available blog posts on the site. Must Have 2 OC-2 View Trending post: Allow a user to view all trending blog posts on the site. 3 OC-3 View blog post by categories: Allow a user to view blog posts based on categories for example, romantic, comedy etc. 4 OC-4 Search for a post: Allow a user to search for any blog posts on site. 5 OC-5 Comment on a post: Allow a user to comment on any blog posts on site. 6 OC-6 View post by tag: Allow a user to view available blog posts based on tags. Mid Priority
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS ID CAPABILITY DESCRIPTION PRIORITY 7 OC-7 View post by author name: Allow a user to view blog posts from a specific author on the site. Must Have 8 OC-8 View similar post related to a post: Allow a user to view all similar blog posts on site to the one you just viewed. Low Priority 9 OC-9 Add a new post: Allow a user to add a new blog post on the site. 10 OC-10 Edit and delete post: Allow a user to edit a post in draft mode or delete any post. 11 OC-11 Save post as a draft: Allow a user to save a blog post on which user have worked on in draft mode. 12 OC-12 Add categories, tags to a post: Allow a user to add categories or tags to blog post on the site. 13 OC-13 Share a post: Allow users to share a post on other social media platforms like facebook 14 OC-14 Like a post: Allow a user to like the blog post
SYSTEM BOUNDARY AND ENVIRONMENTS Scriptwriter Create a user interface for the blog. View posts in the blog. Share the blog posts on several social media platforms. Comment on the blog. Add an post to the blog. Modify comments. Search for posts. Support infrastructure Django HTML,CSS Bootstrap Python Content Writer Site Admin Developer Maintainer Internet
USE CASES( User) ID WIN_CONDITION UC-01 As a user, I can view blog post. UC-02 As a user, I can view trending blog posts. UC-03 As a user, I can view blog post by categories. UC-04 As a user, I can search for blog posts. UC-05 As a user, I can comment on a blog post if I have logged in. UC-06 As a user, I can view a blog post by tag. UC-07 As a user, I can view a blog post by author name. UC-08 As a user, I can view a blog post by related posts. UC-09 As a user, I can share the post on other social media platforms, namely facebook and twitter
USE CASES( Administrator) ID WIN_CONDITION UC-10 As an admin, I can add a post UC-11 As an admin, I can edit/delete a post UC-12 As an Admin, I can save the post as a draft UC-13 As an Admin, I can add categories and tags to a post.
TESTING - OVERVIEW Performed 15 different test cases on the blog that satisfies the user requirements. Majority of the tests are: Black box testing Unit Testing Integration testing User Acceptance Testing All the requirements were tested.
TESTING PROCEDURES Hardware Preparation: Any laptop or mobile device with a web browser Access to internet or data Software Preparation: Django Zinnia Plugin Executing tests: Manual testing is performed by running the blog on the Django platform.
TEST CASES TESTCASE TEST ITEM RESULT TC-01-01 In the blog first page, the input box for search is tested to check if the user searches without entering anything in the search box. PASS TC-02-01 Only registered users should be allowed to post comments. If a User has not logged in, the system should not allow User to comment. If the User has not Registered, it should prompt him to sign-up.
TEST CASES TESTCASE TEST ITEM RESULT TC-02-02 A Logged In User types a comment in the comment text box and clicks on the 'post' button. PASS TC-03-01 A logged in admin can add a blog post to the blog. TC-03-02 A logged in admin can edit a blog post. Demo A logged in admin can save the post to drafts, and then publish it later A logged in admin can add the relevant categories and tags to the post.
TEST CASES TESTCASE TEST ITEM RESULT Demo A user must be able to view a blog post when opens the blog and clicks on it. PASS A user while viewing the blog, can also see the current trending posts on the blog page. A user can see posts by categories. When the user clicks on a particular category, he can view all the posts related to only that category. A user is able to view a post based on tags given by the author for a particular blog post.
TEST CASES TESTCASE TEST ITEM RESULT Demo A user can view the posts created by the his favourite author by clicking on the author name. PASS A user view the related blog posts. TC-04-01 A user is able to share blog post on social media platforms using the specific share buttons TC-05-01 A user should be able to like the post he/she likes.
TEST RESULTS Functional Testing To test the application, we performed the necessary action for each of the test cases and thoroughly examined the output to verify if the outcome is same as the expected results. Acceptance Testing Done by our client to ensure that new system meets the user expectations and all win conditions/requirements are satisfied.
TECHNICAL DEBT (Solved) Description Mitigation Plan No experience with Django and Zinnia. Django tutorials Deep dive into code Relying on clients’ expertise Vague requirements for user interface Iterative design with continuous client feedback Error-prone code Complete rework: created new bootstrap template to replace Zinnia default objects Insufficient testing Developer of each feature created necessary test cases Requirements volatility Additional negotiation and prioritization with client
TECHNICAL DEBT (Outstanding) Description Mitigation Plan COTS Upgrade Compatibility: older version of Zinnia used to be compatible with client Django version When upgrading, ensure Django and Zinnia versions are compatible Regression testing: new features could break our enhancements Development was split across local systems. Merge all changes and finalize as built package Integrate any outstanding changes Review test cases Deploy to client’s repository
TRACEABILITY MATRIX OCD Core Capability Win Conditions Use Case ID Test Case ID OC-1 View blog post WC_4580 UC_01 Demo OC-2 View trending posts WC_4604 UC_02 OC-3 View post by categories WC_4603 UC_03 OC-4 Search for a post WC_4602 UC_04 TC-01-01 OC-5 Comment on a post WC_4582 UC_05 TC-02-01 TC-02-02 OC-6 View posts by tag UC_06
TRACEABILITY MATRIX OCD Core Capability Win Conditions Use Case ID Test Case ID OC-7 View post by author name WC_4617 UC_07 Demo OC-8 View related posts WC_4619 UC_08 OC-9 Add a new post WC_4605 UC_09 TC-03-01 OC-10 Edit and delete a post UC_10 TC-03-02 OC-11 Save a post as a draft WC_4616 UC_11 OC-12 Add categories, tags to a post WC_4618 UC_12 OC-13 Share the post on other social media platform WC_4590 UC_13 TC-04-01 OC-14 Like a blog post WC_4581 UC_14 TC-05-01
TRANSITION OBJECTIVES For our transition phase, we have three main objectives: Beta testing to validate that all user expectations with product are met. Conduct a knowledge transfer to our respective client for future maintenance. Transition the fully functional and operable system to our client.
TRANSITION STRATEGY Beta Testing: Knowledge Transfer: Verifying all the operational capabilities from our win-win conditions are met, implemented and tested end to end. Knowledge Transfer: Provide product implementation details Explain working of COTS product Explain flow of control through all user functionalities. Transitioning the System: Deliver the final app to the client. Post the app delivery, testing all the fourteen core-capabilities for the project
STAKEHOLDERS AND RESPONSIBILTIES ROLES RESPONSIBILITIES DATE Client Host Scriptonomics blog on Scriptonomics domain. TBD Team, Client Perform knowledge sharing with the client for maintaining the Scriptonomics blog in future. 12/02/2017 - 12/04/2017 Team Finish all support documents i.e. manual for the blog. 12/03/2017 Deliver the final system to the client. 12/04/2017
PREPARING FOR TRANSITION Hardware Preparation: N/A Software Preparation: Deployment: Final application app created and in final stage of being tested for vulnerabilities. Blog hosting on Scriptonomics domain will be conducted by client. Maintenance: Client will be holding responsibility for supervision and maintenance of the blog. Site Preparation:
SUPPORT PLAN User manual : Document provides an overview of the Scriptonomics blog. It provides information like Flow of control through all user functionalities, The software-hardware requirements, Operational procedures, Working of COTS product, Troubleshooting.