City of Oakland: Road Diet Experience
Four Lanes to Three Lanes Typical Road Diets Four Lanes to Three Lanes
Six Lanes to Four Lanes with Turn Pockets Typical Road Diets Six Lanes to Four Lanes with Turn Pockets
Road Diets in Oakland Historic Examples: High Street (30,000 ADT) Grand Avenue (6 Lanes to 5) Broadway (Auto Row area, 6 Lanes to 5)
Road Diets in Oakland (cont’d) Market Street West Street * Bancroft Avenue Foothill Blvd. (35th to High Street) Lakeshore Avenue *
Road Diets in Oakland (proposed) MacArthur Boulevard, 82nd to 90th (SRS) Claremont Avenue Redwood Road/35th Avenue
Road Diets in Oakland Lakeshore Ave: before and after
City Council Policy Directives Technical study guidelines Traffic counts Collision history Intersection LOS (current and future) Parking removal (if any)
City Council Policy Directives Outreach Mailer to neighbors Community meetings Council office support
Mailer to neighborhood
Mailer to neighborhood
City Council Policy Directives CEQA review Categorical exemptions Section 15301(c): minor alteration to existing roadway Section 15304 (h): creation of bicycle lanes on existing rights-of-way Environmental Impact Report (City of Oakland Bicycle Master Plan)
City Council Policy directives City Council Resolution and Report Removal of travel lanes Removal of on-street parking
Implementing Road Diets Resurfacing program coordination Other projects (e.g. sewer rehab, slurry, streetscape, etc.) Stand-alone projects
Lessons Learned Federal Projects: Watch out! CEQA ≠ NEPA Transit issues Fewer gaps for peds/vehicles crossing or entering main street Turning movements Diversion/cut thru traffic: parallel routes? (e.g. Claremont Avenue example)
Lessons Learned Community buy-in People are seeking But concerns over traffic calming Pedestrian/bicyclist safety But concerns over Possible congestion Emergency vehicle responses Fear of change
Lessons Learned CONCLUSION: When Considering a Road Diet Proposal, Make Sure You Have a Process To: Evaluate your proposal & identify impacts (technical study, LOS, parking, etc.) Communicate the details, inform the public and policy makers To receive feedback and answer questions To evaluate the statutory requirements To formally approve proposed road diet