Congratulations! Each semester, the Division of Student Affairs calls for nominations of outstanding graduating students who have maintained high academic achievements while contributing exceptional leadership and service to the University and our community. Congratulations to the students selected as Fall 2018 Dean of Students Honor Recipients!
Nominated by Gayle Levy and Breana Boger Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Felix Amparano College of Arts & Sciences and Honors College Nominated by Gayle Levy and Breana Boger
Nominated by Amanda Grimes Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Michele Baker School of Nursing & Health Studies and Honors College Nominated by Amanda Grimes
Ashutosh Barve Nominated by Kun Cheng Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Ashutosh Barve School of Pharmacy Nominated by Kun Cheng
Nominated by Tammy Welchert Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Anita Cap School of Biological Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences, and Honors College Nominated by Tammy Welchert
Nominated by Roland Hemmings Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Eun-Li Deem Bloch School of Management Nominated by Roland Hemmings
Nominated by Ursula Gurney Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Emma Dyer Bloch School of Management Nominated by Ursula Gurney
Nominated by Thomas Johnston, Kun Cheng, Russell Melchert Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Akshay Jain School of Pharmacy Nominated by Thomas Johnston, Kun Cheng, Russell Melchert
Nominated by Kendell Hale Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Matheus Rohde College of Arts & Sciences Nominated by Kendell Hale
Nominated by Elizabeth Vonnahme Congratulations! Dean of Students Honor Recipient Elizabeth Sites College of Arts & Sciences Nominated by Elizabeth Vonnahme