Overview of Euro-Argo Preparatory Phase and status


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of Euro-Argo Preparatory Phase and status AST-10 Hangzhou, March 22 P.Y. Le Traon, Ifremer Euro-Argo: A new European Research Infrastructure Coordinator: Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer - France

Euro-Argo : A new European research infrastructure European contribution to a global ocean observatory A significant component of the global Argo array of 3.000 floats in operations Requires strong international and European cooperation Proposal : Europe establishes an infrastructure for ¼, i.e. 800 floats in operation Requirement : 250 floats per year including regional enhancements (Nordic seas, Mediterranean&Black seas) (about 50 floats per year for regional enhancements)

Euro Argo Preparatory Phase (2008-2010) FP7 funding Euro Argo Preparatory Phase (2008-2010) FP7 funding. New European research infrastructure (ESFRI roadmap) Main expected outcomes : Agreement for long term (10-20 years) operation of Euro- Argo (financial, governance, organisation, technical). Member States and GMES. Most technical and organizational issues to be solved.

Euro Argo Preparatory Phase partnership 12 countries, 15 partners France: IFREMER (representing the multi- agency Coriolis project) + SHOM Germany: BSH + Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung (KDM) UK : Met Office and NERC. Netherlands: KNMI Spain: IEO Italy: OGS Ireland: Marine Institute Norway : IMR Portugal : FCCUL Greece : HCMR Bulgaria : USOF Poland : IOPAS


EURO ARGO PP in 2008/2009 see http://www.euro-argo.eu/ Kick Off 14/15 January, Ifremer, Brest First European Argo User Group meeting (June, 2008 Southampton) National discussions (ministerial level) Define infrastructure and overall cost (almost done) Interactions with GMES bureau (2 meetings) Interactions with ESFRI (update of roadmap published in 2008) Meetings and conferences (Eurogoos, GMES forum, GODAE, ESFRI) Legal and organization structure (to be decided mid 2009) Links with international structure (Argo, Jcomm) First annual meeting (Hamburg) (20-22 January) Joint discussion with GMES, DG Research and DG Mare (April, 2009) Second European Argo User Group meeting (Trieste, June 17-19, 2009) Decision on legal and governance structure (September 2009) Decision/commitments on long term funding (EC, Member States) (end of 2009). see http://www.euro-argo.eu/

Euro-Argo progress Several reports on infrastructure description, costs, float technology, deployement issues, data processing issues and improvements, impact of Argo data Float technology tests : Arvor-Iridium, Argos3, Sea Ice and O2 sensors Strengthening the user community in Europe Trying to secure national funding and attracting new countries EC long term funding and GMES Definition and agreement on the future governance and legal structure

Towards a long term Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure (RI) Objectives of the RI Better, more efficient coordination and cooperation Significant increase of European Argo contribution attract EC funding and secure sound funding base (national and EC) Improve the links with the international structure A central facility (Central RI) & Distributed national facilities Gouvernance model defined (council, board, scientific and technical AG). Coordination of European contribution to Argo (floats procured at national and through the central facility). Need a legal structure for the central RI To receive EC (GMES) and national (member states) funding. To procure floats (includes logicitics and test facilities). To provide funding to the AIC The centralized structure 2 (minimum) to 4-5 people funded by Euro-Argo members and by the EC

Long –term plan from Euro-Argo partners France - 65 floats (50 Ifremer, 15 SHOM). Yearly budgets but stable Germany - 50 floats (5-year) – operational line + 10 research mode United Kingdom - 30 floats (aspiration 45 floats). Spain: 20 floats in 2009 (inc. 8 Med Sea). Long term plans under discussion. Greece : 2 floats in 2009/2010. Plan for 4-5 floats/year Italy : 3 floats in 2009. Initial plan of 30 floats/year not accepted. Poland : 2 floats in 2009. Plan for 2/3 floats/year Portugual : setting up of a consortium (proposal). Good prospects. Ireland, Norway, Netherlands : no commitments for 2009. Bulgaria : 1 or 2 floats (goal) – Black Sea. A minimum target of 150 floats/year is realistic. EC funding needed to reach our goal (250 floats/year)

Euro Argo and GMES Argo is the single most important global/regional in-situ observing system for the GMES Marine Core Service. Delivers critical data for assimilation in ocean forecasting models, climate monitoring and seasonal to decadal forecasting. Feasibility demonstrated. Maturity. Ready for pre-operational implementation. It is thus essential for GMES (as it is for satellite data) to ensure that over the next 10 to 20 years, Argo will continue to provide the required global temperature and salinity observations.  Float technology will also evolve in the coming years to include new sensors (e.g. oxygen, biology) and new capabilities (e.g. under ice measurements) that are essential to the MCS.

Funding issues Estimation of Euro Argo cost is about 7.5 Meuros/year. Based on planned Member States contributions (4-5 Meuros/year), a direct EC funding (through GMES and DG Research) of about 2 to 3 Meuros/year focused on activities of European relevance will be needed (see below) from 2010.

Towards a long-term direct funding from the EC EC fully recognizes the need and importance to fund part of Euro-Argo. Good prospects for the post 2013 funding phase (GMES). Situation more difficult/complex in the short term. 2009-2013 : several EC funding lines are explored FP7 funding through GMES (FP7 Space) in a 2010 call DG Research / FP7 Capacities for post preparatory phase funding. DG Mare 2014 -2020 Euro-Argo part of a proposed “operational” GMES funding line (depends on decisions on long-term funding for GMES). Meeting end of April in Brussels with the EC