INTRO - 3 MINS Sum up the day around how we have learnt some things about each other and maybe ourselves, some new ways of thinking. For the next hour we are going to lightly explore well being through some interactive things to show how we can intergrate these 5 strategies into our lives. 5 Ways has an evidence base of positive psychology and was originally many more, however eventually 5 were decided on to make the concept accessible. Tonight we’ll be experiencing the 5 ways. Ask if anyone has seen this before? See if team want to add anything into this 3MIN
“Be Active” INTRO - 1 MIN DELIVERY - 3 MIN Anyone have a little energiser we can play together? Otherwise I have something we can do, however it involves being silly and feeling awkward :) Let’s have some fun! I invite you to watch the video on the TV and copy his dance moves for the whole song. Let go and lets be silly and active together!!! :) 7MIN
“Connect” INTRO 5 MINS DELIVERY 2 MINS Today with out opening circle, we explored this element of ‘connect’, in another word ‘ whanaungatanga’. By listening and speaking we got to share who we are and listen to who others are. Can anyone guess why this might be important? Speak lightly on Ngā Uri Ō and how we use it. Invite them into pairs. Depending on weather head outside and stand arms length away from someone. Challenge is to look into the eyes of the person in front of you for 2 whole minutes in silence. Set the timer and GO! How did you find this exercise and ask people to pop corn their answers. Was it weird, challenging, fun? 14MINS
“Give” INTRO AND DELIVERY 10MINS Thinking of the 3 examples on the screen (time, words and presence) I invite you to think about someone who has done something nice for you recently….in fact you can even think of yourself. Whats something you can do to give back to them? Is it writing a letter of gratitude, is it about doing something nice for them when you return home, back to work or school? I invite you all to take 5 minutes in you own space to write something down. If you get through this quickly, what’s some other things you can do? 34MINS
“Keep Learning” INTRO 5 MINS DELIVERY 15 Anyone have something to share??? A skill, a topic they are knowledgeable in? Q N A 5MINS Have Q and A at end for questions 55MINS
“Take Notice” INTRO - 2MINS DELIVERY 8MINS Mandarin exercise Touch - feel the mandarin, is it rough?, smooth?, are there spikey bits at the top? Does the texture of it remind you of other things? Give you 30 seconds to explore what you can feel. Invite them to start peeling it taking notice of how that feels also Hear - while pealing the mandarin, what can you hear? Do you hear nothing? Can you hear others pealing theirs?, do you notice your distracted by other noises in the room?...30 seconds to take in what they can hear Smell - invite you to now smell the mandarin...what can you smell? Does the skin have a differnt smell to the manderin itself? Maybe you can smell your perfume instead, do you like this smell? Do you not? Does it give you memories? 30 seconds to explore this See - now i invite you to open your eyes and look at the mandarin..what do you see? What colours and textures can you see? Does it remind you of anything else, what about the skin you pealed off? Look an observe it...give them 30seconds to do this Taste - last part I invite you to taste is sweet? Sour? Yuck? Yummy? Take your time and really taste it. From this how can you apply taking notice of other things in your life? It can be interesting to explore items like this or things in your life...can make you look at things differently :) 24MINS