The Earth as a System Earth’s Spheres
Earth’s Sphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere Cryosphere Geosphere Biosphere Anthrosphere
Atmosphere The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night. A gaseous sphere and it envelopes the Earth, Consists of a mixture of gases composed primarily of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Earth's atmosphere can be divided into five main layers. These layers are mainly determined by whether temperature increases or decreases with altitude.
Hydrosphere often called the "water sphere" as it includes all the earth's water found in the oceans, glaciers, streams, lakes, the soil, groundwater, and in the air. interacts with, and is influenced by, all the other earth spheres. All of the water on Earth 71% of the earth is covered by water and only 29% is terra firma The cryosphere is the part of the earth's hydrosphere comprised of frozen water.
Geosphere The Earth's solid surface, often called the crust of the earth. It includes continental and oceanic crust as well as the various layers of the Earth's interior.
Inside the Earth
Composition (What it is made of) Crust Mantle Core
The Crust Outer layer 5-100 km thick 2 types of crust Oceanic (very dense, made of basalt) Continental (less dense, made of granite)
Oceanic and Continental Crust
The Mantle Middle layer Very thick layer
The Core Made mostly of iron 1/3 of the earth’s mass Very hot
Earth’s Layers How are the earth’s layers similar to an egg? Shell=crust Egg white=mantle Yolk=core
Physical Structure of the Earth (5 Layers) Lithosphere- rigid outer layer (crust) Asthenosphere- solid rock that flows slowly (like hot asphalt) Mesosphere- middle layer Outer Core- liquid layer Inner Core- solid, very dense
Tectonic Plates Earth’s crust is broken into about 19 pieces These plates move on top of the asthenosphere
Biosphere The term "biosphere" was coined by geologist Eduard Suess in 1875, which he defined as "The place on Earth's surface where life dwells.“ All life on earth, including man, and all organisms. The life zone on our planet distinguishes our planet from the others in the solar system.
Anthrosphere The anthrosphere is that part of the environment that is made or modified by humans for use in human activities. As human technology becomes more evolved, so do the impacts of human activities on the environment. Man and his direct ancestors The human population, it’s buildings,dams, and other constructions.
Create a foldable Include the spheres of Earth Atmosphere Hydrosphere Geosphere (make sure to include all parts) Biosphere Anthrosphere Page 7-9 in your book