“Like a Child” Luke 18:9-17 Jesus, His Spirit, His Mission Luke & Acts in 52 weeks Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child”
. . . What kind of do I need to be right with God? Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” . . . What kind of do I need to be right with God?
. . . What kind of attitude do I need to be right with God? Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” . . . What kind of attitude do I need to be right with God?
II. The ones farthest from the may be the closest to God. Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” II. The ones farthest from the may be the closest to God.
II. The ones farthest from the temple may be the closest to God. Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” II. The ones farthest from the temple may be the closest to God.
III. If we want to go to heaven, we may have to go . Luke 18:9-17 ”Like a Child” III. If we want to go to heaven, we may have to go .
III. If we want to go to heaven, we may have to go down. Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” III. If we want to go to heaven, we may have to go down.
IV. God calls us to reach to so we can learn from them. Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” IV. God calls us to reach to so we can learn from them.
IV. God calls us to reach to children so we can learn from them. Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child” IV. God calls us to reach to children so we can learn from them.
“Like a Child” Luke 18:9-17 Jesus, His Spirit, His Mission Luke & Acts in 52 weeks Luke 18:9-17 “Like a Child”